Truly Exceptional in Performance and Ease of Use
The LET Medical device platforms (COSMODIC ENS) are truly exceptional in both performance and ease of use.
The addition several years ago of the SLIDER capability in professional LET Medical models was a huge advance. A smooth change between theCOSMODIC, and ENS platforms and combining them in optimal proportions present a variety of signal types to the body system. This can yield fast results without the need to follow exacting protocols. There are also on-board diagnostics used to determine the best working location and which signal type will generate the strongest body reaction at that location. All these features increase the ease of use and decrease the likelihood of operator errors when using LET Medical Devices.
One feature that isn’t talked about much is accommodation, which occurs where the device doesn’t seem to work as well as it did initially for a person because the body has got used to the signal. Many SKENARS, in my experience, have major accommodation problems, especially related to individuals with chronic pain issues – but not so much, if at all, LET Medical series of devices.
Overall, LET Medical devices offer a very informationally driven, efficacious, and adaptable platform that produces fast results over a very wide range of symptoms and practitioner experience levels. Thank you, LET Medical!