LIVE SCENAR Training in June in Austin, TX

Dear All,

This is to notify you that the dust around our next LIVE event dates, topics, and location has finally settled and we are happy to announce that after over 18 months in the making HealthBOSS University is finally a reality.

And, YOU have the opportunity to be one of the first graduates.

HealthBOSS University (HBU for short) will have its first LIVE event June 3-5, 2011 (it’s Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) in the beautiful city of Austin, Texas. The agenda incorporates the LIVE second generation basic SCENAR Training. Here is the official announcement.
Health Boss University: Live 6/11 (June 2011)

Live, hands-on, “Health Independence Training” where the students choose the topics, and the speakers give you their BEST “PATIENT PROVEN PROTOCOLS” and healing systems

June 3d, 4th, and 5th, 2011
Austin, TX

The winner in a competition over hosting our event is (drums, please)… the Wyndham Garden Hotel in Austin, TX!

For the details on the Hotel and the City – CLICK HERE

As per the Agenda – thanks to your valuable feedback in our last Survey and in various communications with our office, it has been mapped out as well.

Here is the list of proposed LIVE event topics in the order of their importance to you (the rate is your “vote average” on the scale from 1 to 10)

Cancer 6.5
Advanced SCENAR-COSMODIC-Soft Laser Protocols 6.2
Immune Modulation and auto-immune disorders 6.1
Nervous System Disorders (Neuropathy, MS, Parkinson’s etc.) 5.6
Dental issues 5.6
Mental/Emotional Disorders (depression, ADD/ADHA, autism etc.), Stress Reduction 5.4
Joint Pain (OA, gout etc.) 5.4
Animal care 4.9
Male/Female hormonal issues, infertility, ED 4.7
Diabetes 4.6

I have to say, your Survey results were pretty surprising to me. Yes, I agree that the Big C is a huge issue, but I thought for sure Male and Female hormonal issues and ED would be somewhere on top – and yet… even Animal care beat them. I just hope it is because our community is so healthy…

Anyway, we took the top 7 topics and created the Agenda around them.

You can see the details of the Agenda on our HBU LIVE 6/11 Page – CLICK HERE.

Even thought the Agenda will evolve mostly around the Healing FUSION technologies (SCENAR technology, COSMODIC ®, Soft LASER, SOLARIS Blanket), there will be a lot of valuable information for those who DOES NOT have SCENAR or COSMODIC ® devices, Soft LASERS or SOLARIS Blankets.

And, of course, we will designate the entire day (June 5th) to the basic Healing FUSION Training. The SCENAR Training will focus on the DOVE scenar Training and the EX735Ag Training. We think this should be a good supplementation to our basic SECOND GENERATION SCENAR TRAINING Program.

We are planning a series of teleconferences with our presenters (or our Practical Professors), so you get to know them and their work prior to meeting them “live”. We will let you know the schedule.

Stay tuned for updates – and if you have any questions in the meantime, please contact our office at or call toll-free 1-855-468-0033.

Hope to see you in Austin in June!

Dr. Irina and the HealthBoss Team

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