SCENAR Articles: SCENAR technology

In this section you will find articles related to SCENAR technology: what conditions can be treated with SCENAR and COSMODIC ® technology and how successfully; what are the particularities of SCENAR and COSMODIC technology, as well as particularities of treatment of one or another ill-health condition; and what you need to know as a practitioner or as a client to make the most out of your SCENAR technology.

The Secret to Success with SCENAR

Is there such a secret? Isn’t the SCENAR’s unquestionable strong ability to battle your pain simply a matter of “just do it – the more the better”? Actually, no. There…

As per Dr. Tennant, “Healing is Voltage”. Is it?

Recently Dr. Mercola, osteopathic physician and a well-known proponent of alternative medicine, published an interview that he conducted with Dr. Jerry Tennant, an ophthalmologist and a creator of the Tennant…

SCENAR or COSMODIC: What Where When and How

Ever since COSMODIC entered the scene as the next step in SCENAR evolution, there has been some confusion with regards to which technology should be used where, when, and how,…

Cancer: a Death Sentence or a Wake-Up Call?

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the US with around 584,881 deaths each year. That’s a fact. Cancer is also an industry, with all applicable governing laws…

RITMSCENAR Professional Devices

RITMSCENAR™ Professional devices are designed for health practitioners, such as MDs, Physiotherapists, Veterinarians, Nurses, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Rehabilitation Practitioners, Podiatrists, Massage and Sports Therapists etc. SCENAR technology has been proven to…


When you realize that you want a SCENAR device, your next decision is to choose a model – and it is not such an easy task, considering that there are…

How to Choose The Right SCENAR

How Do I Choose The Right SCENAR FOR ME? “Modific or Mini… That Is The Question” ® by Dr. Alexander Karasev It is not a question, if you can afford…

He Lives to GIVE…

Is there a difference between FEELING grateful – and BEING grateful? I thought about it this Thanksgiving morning. What is GRATITUDE: is it merely an emotion, a feeling – or…