Treating Sports Injuries with the DOVE scenar

We already know that as a Personal Health Assistant, the DOVE scenar is invaluable when you get hurt playing your favorite sports.

With the DOVE scenar in your pocket, purse, or on your belt you can eliminate the most unpleasant consequences of your injury right on the spot – and prevent possible complications. Accelerated healing is guaranteed, and you will heal like nothing ever happened.

Bit how exactly do you apply the DOVE scenar in a case of sports injuries?

In this video Dr. Irina, MD, PhD, DNM explains and shows you exactly what to do – and how to do it.

With the DOVE scenar, you can feel confident and secure playing even the most competitive sports.

Let the DOVE be with You! 🙂

Treating Sports Injuries with the DOVE scenar and Dr. Irina 🙂

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P.S. GO HERE to see more SCENAR and COSMODIC ® Videos.

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