New Research on Teeth Regeneration

Part 1. Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

Regenerate teethAt last, the anecdotal stories of regeneration of tooth structures with the Healing FUSION technologies got the real, undeniable, hard-core scientific proof! For now, just for the Low Level Laser, not COSMODIC yet, but this is a good start. (I am pretty sure, the researchers at Harvard University, who did the study, did not know that COSMODIC even existed.)

Here is the article describing the study in detail:

The Harvard-led team was the first to demonstrate the ability of a low level laser to trigger human dental stem cells to form dentin, the hard tissue that is similar to bone and makes up the bulk of teeth. What’s more, they outlined the precise molecular mechanism involved, and demonstrated its prowess using multiple laboratory and animal models.

The study was done on rodents, for whom a special lab version of a dentist office was built to perform procedures similar to the ones in human dentistry.

Researchers used high-resolution x-ray imaging and microscopy techniques to assess the formation of reparative (tertiary) dentin 12 weeks after the low-power laser treatment. In the microscopy images shown here, the yellow hashtags (#) sit atop the newly-formed tertiary dentin; there is more tertiary dentin in the laser-treated teeth than in the control. (Image Harvard's Wyss Institute and SEAS)
Researchers used high-resolution x-ray imaging and microscopy techniques to assess the formation of reparative (tertiary) dentin 12 weeks after the low-power laser treatment. In the microscopy images shown here, the yellow hashtags (#) sit atop the newly-formed tertiary dentin; there is more tertiary dentin in the laser-treated teeth than in the control. (Image Harvard’s Wyss Institute and SEAS)

The research team “performed a series of culture-based experiments to unveil the precise molecular mechanism responsible for the regenerative effects of the laser treatment. It turns out that a ubiquitous regulatory cell protein called “transforming growth factor beta-1” (TGF-?1) played a pivotal role in triggering the dental stem cells to grow into dentin. TGF-?1 exists in latent form until activated by any number of molecules.

Here is the chemical domino effect the team confirmed: In a dose-dependent manner, the laser first induced reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are chemically active molecules containing oxygen that plays an important role in cellular function. The ROS activated the latent TGF-?1 complex, which, in turn, differentiated the stem cells into dentin.

Nailing down the mechanism was the key, because it places on firm scientific footing the decades-old pile of anecdotes about low-level light therapy (LLLT), also known as Photobiomodulation (PBM).”

(Quoted from

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this study for us, Home Healers. Not only do we now have PROOF that our beloved Low Level Laser, in fact, stimulates stem cells (which we knew all along, just couldn’t confirm in biomedically-accepted terms), but we also know HOW.

Of course, it is just a beginning. The study is only done on one tissue – and only on animals. The research team is planning to take this work to human clinical trials. But the new work marks the first time that scientists have gotten to the nub of how low-level laser treatments work on a molecular level, and lays the foundation for controlled treatment protocols.

Imagine the possibilities. Thank You, Harvard!

Part 2. Electrotherapy

The science is getting closer to recognizing the role of a weak electrical current in restorative dentistry.

At King’s College in London a new pain-free dental procedure has been developed that allows cavities to be repaired without drilling or injections. The procedure is called the Electrically Accelerated and Enhanced Remineralisation (EAER). It accelerates the natural movement of calcium and phosphate minerals into the damaged tooth through a two-step process that first prepares the damaged area of enamel, and then uses a tiny electric current to push minerals into the repair site.

Imagine what COSMODIC can do…

No, the COSMODIC technology has not been thoroughly researched for its effects on teeth regeneration yet, even though there are many stories suggesting that, in fact, COSMODIC promotes regrowth of tooth structures (providing that a tooth is still alive).

We’ve done some testing ourselves, and can report that, on five out of five occasions, a COSMODIC device (EX735Ag Slider x2) paired with Shungite electrodes saved teeth from root canals and extractions (two abscessed teeth, two cracked teeth, and one deep cavity).

We do not know exactly what happened to the teeth as a result of therapy; we did not do any “before and after” pictures or X-Rays, unfortunately. All treatments were done as emergency procedures, on a peak of pain, with continuing therapy after the pain subsided. All five teeth are doing well after several months and do not show any signs of pathology (oh, they belong to different people :-)).

Of course, you cannot call this experience “scientific”. But regardless of how you call it, it worked! Home Healing in its pure form.

So I want to challenge you, Home Healers. If you have a COSMODIC device, and if you and/or your loved ones have a teeth problem (and who doesn’t) – give it a try.

Shungite dental remote electrodesIn my experience though, you would need a pair of small shungite electrodes, to place them directly on the gum in front – and behind of the tooth you are treating. The secret is in the electrical current going THROGH the dental structures. Yes, it may feel strong and unpleasant at times, but not as strong and unpleasant as the dentist’s drill. I know what I am talking about. One of the healed cracked teeth was my very own back molar 🙂

I personally used a pair of elite shungite electrodes, but a pair of small 12mm or 16mm spheres should do the job just fine, especially if the handles are specifically designed for dental applications (see the picture on the left – and click on it or on the link to go to the “SCENAR and COSMODIC Accessories” page and see the possible dental applications).

Just remember: on minimum power, one electrode on the gum in front of a tooth – another one behind the tooth, and you can slowly move the electrodes around exposing different part of the tooth to the current. The longer the better.

And please, let us know what happens. Can’t wait to hear about your healing miracles 🙂

To more saved teeth than ever before,

Dr. Irina and the HealthBoss Team

Cure Teeth Naturally Book CoverP.S. Shungite electrodes can be found here: . And here is an article (and even a video) explaining about these SCENAR and COSMODIC accessories in detail:

P.P.S. Here is a very good resource for Teeth Care 101: I found it while researching the existing information on teeth regeneration. Highly recommended.

And another resource, the entire ebook, is available for free download; just click on the image to the left.

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