Scars and Moles and SCENARs and LASERs

We do not like scars and moles. Not only do they affect your external beauty – they affect the flow of energy in your body thus setting a stage for dis-ease.

We do like SCENARs and LASERs. Not only do they support and enhance the energy flow in your body thus making you more coherent (read: more internally beautiful) – they enhance your external beauty as well.

They can do it in a number of ways, but it turns out that your SCENAR (especially COSMODIC) and your Soft LASER (especially Q-Laser) can help you get rid of those scars and moles that we don’t like!

It is a long article, with a lot of pictures and “The Mole Story” bottom-lined with My 7 Conclusions, so I will keep this message short.

Please read the article if you are concerned about these skin imperfections that we typically consider untreatable (unless you are willing to succumb to a surgeon’s knife). There may be a way to convince the body to reverse the unwanted blemish.

What the body can form – it can dissolve.

Dr. Irina

P.S. Yes, we are showing you only a few documented cases, and we did not even explore all the options our faithful SCENAR, COSMODIC, and Soft LASER offer in dealing with those unwanted skin blemishes – but this is a very encouraging start. What an alternative to the existing options in cosmetology!

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