At least not for Dr. Don Snow, DAOM,MPH,L.Ac., who has 90%+ permanent success rate with most types of these stubborn chronic conditions.
His goal is a fully rehabilitated client, and his unique method (that incorporates several energy technologies, including our favorite SCENAR technology and COSMODIC ® technology, is extremely effective and fast. In fact, he usually gets 80-100% relief right on the first session – and we at HealthBoss LIVE 6/11 had a chance to see it with our own eyes. Dr. Don completely removed the debilitating pain of a severe OA of the hip that Dr. Charles Warlick, an amazing holistic dentist from Austin, had for years.
You can see and learn Dr. Don’s magic too – on the “guerrilla tapes”from the program. YOU CAN GET THE TAPES HERE

And if not the tapes – at least get my NOTES for this program. It is the Release #4. Click on the picture to download.
3 things I want you to notice and remember from this program:
1. As we already know, our health depends on uninterrupted flow of energy (Chi or Qi) in our body. If the energy flow is stuck or blocked, it means trouble – now or in the near future. And the easiest way to find out if and where it is blocked? The SORE spots on your body! Every time rubbing your throbbing neck or aching feet think that you are just intuitively trying to let the life energy flow again – and do it more effectively extending your hand with your devoted SCENAR or Q-Laser.
2. If you have a “frozen shoulder”, do NOT go for surgery unless you try the “motor point” activation (it applies to other large muscle groups as well, but shoulders suffer the most). Apparently (and I didn’t know that), when a muscle gets over-extended, before it breaks it goes into a “shut off” mode. In other words, it just stops responding to any stimuli. Other surrounding muscles then have to perform the function of a “sleeping” muscle, but they are not built for it – and soon the problem develops. The situation can be slowly progressing for years driving you insane and eventually leading to surgery, which is not going to remove the cause of the problem anyway. Yet one skilfully put into the “motor point” needle can activate (“revive”) the sleeping muscle again and resolve all your problems at once. Like waking up the Sleeping Beauty – not easy, you have to find the Beauty first, but can be a one-touch deal.
3. When you are treating OA (osteoarthritis) with SCENAR, ALWAYS TREAT TWICE – first just go and treat around bringing some life into the area, and only after that, on a second round, look for asymmetries and do an actual SCENAR therapy procedure (more on asymmetries and their location – in the articles “Small Asymmetry” and “How to Optimize SCENAR Therapy”). You can do it with your little DOVE scenar or with any COSMODIC ® unit or the Hybrid EX735Ag.
Are these good tips or what? 🙂
You are a Home Healer. You need to know these things – and tell others. Your Health INDEPENDENCE depends on your knowledge.
I have full confidence in you.
P.S. CLICK HERE to listen to the awesome teleconference “Say Good-Bye to Your Arthritis” where Dr. Snow was a guest speaker.