I recently received a comment to my article “Cellular Healing with SCENAR and Soft LASER” that I published in 2011. In the article, I am discussing basic cellular functions and SCENAR, COSMODIC, and Low Level LASER’s mechanism of action on the cellular level. Among other topics, I am touching on the subject of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms), and how SCENAR and COSMODIC can clean cellular membranes from the GMO fragments blocking the cellular “doorways”.

Here is the comment, without any editing whatsoever.

Author: TheBandwagonFool (IP:, default-rdns.callplus.co.nz)
Email: 123fakesteet@gmail.com


“Sounds like a load of rubbish to me, there’s no way that GMOs would block protein channels and your incorrect use of the acronym has not convinced me. A GMO is a Genetically Modified Organism, a living creature in other words, and certainly not something that is floating around in your bloodstream/tissue fluid. There is no such thing as a GMO “molecule”. Proteins from a consumed genetically modified organism would be digested in the stomach and hydrolysed into amino acids by proteases and hydrochloric acid. GMOs are made from the same twenty natural amino acids that we are.

I really doubt this woman has the qualifications advertised. It’s likely just a money scrounging con, that hides behind technical jargon to provide a seemingly convincing argument to the uneducated.”

Image result for gmoI very rarely receive derogatory comments to my articles, and habitually just ignore them; there is no need to perpetuate deeply rooted anger and frustration that usually stem from insecurity and fuel that type of responses. This one, however, compelled me to answer, and answer publicly, because it brings up a very important subject, namely: how safe are GMOs?

So let me address the above comment – and I hope, you will find some interesting information in my reply, which will be worth your time to read.

Dear Bandwagon Fool (sorry, but that’s the only name you’ve identified yourself with).

Thank you for bringing to our attention the subject of GMO safety. As Home Healers, we automatically assume that everyone is aware of the dangers (known and potential) of consuming the genetically modified material. Messing up with Mother Nature never goes unpunished.

And yet, it appears that a large number of uneducated consumers share your conviction that, since GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) “are made from the same twenty natural amino acids that we are”, while ingested, they will be safely “digested in the stomach and hydrolyzed into amino acids by proteases and hydrochloric acid”. Therefore, they are completely safe.

I am sorry to disappoint you, but this is not the case (despite what all GMO and Monsanto advocates keep telling you).

You do not have to take MY words for it. Here are a few studies conducted by very reputable and very conventional scientists that irrevocably prove that parts of ingested GMOs do, in fact, survive digestion and their genetically identifiable fragments can be found in the blood and body tissues (so, yes, they ARE “floating around in our bloodstream/tissue fluid” and CAN affect cellular functioning).

  • In 2012 Chinese researchers from the Nanjing University-based team have found small pieces of rice ribonucleic acid (RNA) in the blood and organs of humans who eat rice. They showed that this genetic material binds to receptors in human liver cells and influence the uptake of cholesterol from the blood. Read the summary article HERE; view the original study report HERE.
  • Also in 2012, an international research project has been initiated that included researchers from Hungary, Austria, Ireland, Turkey, Australia and Norway (read the summary HERE). The project was exploring the effects of GM food on rats, mice, pigs, and salmon. The study proved that GMO genes are indeed transferred through the intestinal wall into the blood. During their study, the researchers found “pieces of genetically modified DNA in large enough segments to be identified in blood, muscle tissue, and liver.”

In the light of this study, the claim that “GMOs are harmless since they are all broken down in the stomach to the basic amino acids” sounds overly optimistic. Add to it that the test animals also showed increased appetite, increased weight gain, decreased immune function, inability to properly digest proteins, as well as a different intestinal microstructure… Sounds like most of the American population, doesn’t it?

  • HERE is also a report from Hungarian scientists published in July 2013: “Based on the analysis of over 1,000 human samples from four independent studies, we report evidence that meal-derived DNA fragments which are large enough to carry complete genes can avoid degradation, and through an unknown mechanism, enter the human circulation system.”
  • Furthermore, in the study done at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand Professor Jack Heinemann found that the double stranded RNA (dsRNAs) present in genetically engineered wheat were able to withstand digestion (even after cooking) and circulate throughout the body, where the RNA amplified into more and different dsRNAs and “alters gene expression in the animal.” (Read a synopsis article HERE.)

The scientist went on to state: “The molecules created in this wheat, intended to silence wheat genes, can match human genes, and through ingestion, these molecules can enter human beings and potentially silence our genes. The findings are absolutely assured. There is no doubt that these matches exist.” Scary, eh?

I could go on and on, but I think the above is a solid proof of the following important points:

  • GMOs are NOT completely broken down by our digestion,
  • they DO enter our system, and
  • they DO affect our cellular functioning.

The most terrifying to me, however, is the fact that GMOs introduce “non-self” genetic material to our bodies that can not only block cellular membranes (that would be the less of two evils) but also mess up our genetic programming.

So far not much is known about the exact mechanism of that influence, but I have no doubt in the validity of this assumption. Just imagine floating in your bloodstream and tissue fluids pieces of the altered DNA – a molecule that carries information about an organism and the entire species (see, there IS such thing as a GMO molecule :-))… And if your body does not recognize this information as “alien”… well, then your very own genetic code can change.

Actually, not only CAN, it DOES, which is confirmed by the above-mentioned changes observed in the test animals fed by the genetically modified food, even “twice removed” (as in rates eating salmon fed by GM corn).

We are yet to find out to which extent the GMO genetics influences us, humans, but do you really want to be a test subject? For example, from the above studies, we know that microRNA of GMOs (also a molecule, BTW) can silence certain genes, and since this microRNA can survive digestion and enter your terrain, who says it won’t silence your own genes, and which ones?

Image result for gmoUnfortunately, these days it is really difficult to avoid the “GMO invasion”, especially in North America. Even if you eat organic, you cannot be sure that GMOs didn’t find their way into the food labeled “organic”.

So what can we do?

Well, we can try our best, of course. It is better than do nothing and just succumb to the invasion. Think twice before putting anything in your mouth, especially if this “something” looks really appetizing, like a nice KFC meal, of a fat pink salmon, or a corn on the cob…

Home Healers with Space Gadgets have an advantage, though. Regular use of your Healing FUSION devices can help fine-tune your Immune system for more efficient functioning so that it recognizes the sneaky “non-self” GMO genetic information and gets rid of it instead of letting it in.

For that, the Immune Modulation protocol on a regular basis would be the best, but if you can’t do the entire protocol, at least work on your digestive system and run 3P6P once a week or so (which would be good for your overall health and wellbeing anyway).

As per the GMOs and their fragments, such as the genetically identifiable molecules, that have already found a new home in your body, that’s a bit different story. They have been accepted, and it is almost impossible to get rid of them. Yes, true SCENAR and especially COSMODIC devices can improve the functioning of the cells affected by the GMOs, as per the article that precipitated this post in the first place. They, however, can do that only in the area that they are directly applied to – and you can’t really treat the entire surface of your body on a regular basis, can you?

LET Medical is working on the solution, and they have partially incorporated it in their newest EX735 Slider x3. The COSMODIC technology in it has been advanced to give the device more regenerative and detoxification powers.

More work needs to be done, though, and possibly and probably, even a different technology is required. We’ll just have to wait and see what they can come up with (note that Russia is not affected by the GMO problem as much as North America… yet). I actually have asked Dr. Karasev for an interview on the subject, and hope we will hear from him soon.

In the meanwhile, let’s just watch what we eat and treat our bellies with our trusted Personal Health Assistants. If nothing else, it will make us less full of… impurities, including the ingested GMOs. And that is a good thing in itself.

To your health and happiness, Home Healers,

Dr. Irina

P.S. Ahh, I almost forgot about Mr. Bandwagon Fool from 123 Fake Street (according to his email address) and his last remark questioning my qualifications and referring to my “Electronic Cellular Healing” article as being “a money scrounging con”.

I am not sure how a purely descriptive article that does not advertise or sell anything may be considered a con… I guess, if you really want, you can twist pretty much anything and then point fingers. Say, the “We wish you a Merry Christmas” song. If you think about it, it’s clearly extortion or blackmail! “Now bring us that figgy pudding… We won’t go until we get some.” Isn’t it? 🙂

As for the credentials, I do indeed have them (and some other, that I don’t mention) – and I have diplomas, certificates, and practical experience to prove them. And that, I believe, qualifies me to speak on the subject.

I do, however, have serious doubts that Mr. Bandwagon Fool has such qualifications. In all my long professional life I haven’t met any self-respected Doctor and/or Scientist who would hide behind a pseudonym, especially so… colorful, in order to express his/her opinion.

I may be wrong, of course, but am I?





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