Is there a difference between FEELING grateful – and BEING grateful? I thought about it this Thanksgiving morning. What is GRATITUDE: is it merely an emotion, a feeling – or something bigger, deeper, maybe “a state of being”, a condition of your spirit?
… Over 20 years ago in the public hospital in a southern Russian city a young woman was dying of a food poisoning. Despite the best efforts of skilful doctors, despite the best available medicine, life was slowly leaving her. Her body just was not strong enough to recover. At that time, by her bedside, her grief-stricken brother made a decision to devote his life to help humankind keep the most precious gift that is given to us all as our birthright – LIFE.
And so he did. And because of that one man’s deep appreciation for the gift of life and desire to “give back” tens of thousands of people around the world now can enjoy that gift.
You may have already guessed that I am talking about Dr. Alexander Karasev and his inventions – SCENAR and COSMODIC ®, even though not many people know how it all began…
Alexander’s gratitude is his entire BEING. I am sure he does not always FEEL grateful or thankful, but that does not really matter because he LIVES his gratitude. He ACTS on it. He lives to GIVE.
You meet people like that on your life path. It’s like they carry a certain type of very distinctive vibrations that are irresistibly attractive. No wonder – they live to give. They do it unconditionally, not expecting anything in return and often even against the better judgement of their rational mind. They do not need to justify their actions; they already got their gift that they are deeply thankful for – and gratitude became their state of being. These are happy people.
I believe, the Universe is built on Gratitude. There is always has to be balance, an equal energy exchange. If you get something, you have to give something back. I call it “active gratitude” (you DO something versus just sitting there feeling grateful). And if you honour this fundamental law, the Universe rewards you with internal peace, joy – and PASSION.
Do you want more passion in your life? Then count your blessings and perform an act of active gratitude to express your appreciation for them. Something that you have not done yet. Honour your hidden talent and start working on developing it. Honour a brilliant idea that came to you (everyone has such an idea at least once in a lifetime) and let it blossom. Honour your amazing body by giving it treatment it deserves. Or just put your paw on your enemy’s shoulder and make peace… Who knows what may come out of it? 🙂
Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Live it fully.

P.S. I also want to give you something to express my gratitude for you being an important part of my life and my inspiration in everything I do.
Here is the PDF Download of a document that I called the “SCENAR evolution” (just click on the image). It gives you an overview of where the technology is going. And when you look at the Alexander Karasev’s incredible machines in progression, you cannot help but think, “The actual Start Trek device must be just around the corner!”
There is hope and comfort in this thought, isn’t it? And I can assure you, this hope is well justified. Alexander’s genius powered by passion is moving forward full speed.
His creativity has no limits, and he lives to give.