“Think in the morning, act in the noon, read in the evening, and sleep at night.” William Blake
The EVENING RITUAL is probably even more important for your productivity, health, and overall happiness than the Morning Ritual – and yet, we often forget about it or just plain skip it. Why?
Well, one of the reasons may be what scientists now call the Decision Fatigue. According to the psychologist Roy Baumeister, whose work was recently published in The New York Times, we all have a finite amount of willpower to expend during the day, mental energy that is depleted by every decision, big or small, that we have to make.
In our chaotic and hectic life, by the end of the day our willpower reserve is running on empty – and this results in us being irritable, making poor decisions, and taking the path of least resistance. That leads to constant frustration and, in turn, pulls us into the abyss of Chronic Stress, with all its undesirable consequences…
While it’s possible to increase the amount of willpower we have at our disposal (a topic of a separate article), it is also vitally important to manage our mental energy more efficiently throughout the day. One way we can do this is by CREATING ROUTINES (or Rituals). When something becomes routine, we no longer have to think about it – it’s set on autopilot. Instead of having to use willpower to decide whether or not you’ll work out that day, you simply work out because that’s part of your morning routine.
The less you have to THINK about doing something, the more likely you’ll actually DO it.
That’s the power of Routines.
Having your effective Morning Ritual established will help you save more energy for your EVENING RITUAL, which, in turn, will provide you with a better night sleep, more mental clarity, and a fresher and less stressful morning – and so on, and so forth.
So, basically, if you do not have your Evening Ritual established yet, it may not be your fault, but it is time to change things. Of course, only if you want less mess and stress and more energy, health, and satisfaction in your life 🙂
Why is the Evening Ritual important? C’m on, Home Healers! Nighttime is the time for our body to heal and regenerate while our mind is turned off in a deep sleep and does not interfere with the natural healing process under the wise guidance of the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS). That is, of course, if the PNS does have a chance to be in control, and we DO have a deep sleep. And that’s where the Evening Ritual can be instrumental.
The Evening Ritual has 3 MAIN AGENDAS.
- CLEANSE you from the energo-informational garbage that you’ve accumulated during your hectic day.
- CALM DOWN your Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) that keeps you in the “fight-or-flight” state – and ACTIVATE your “rest-and-digest” PNS.
- PREPARE you for your Morning Ritual ensuring your stress-free and decision-free morning.
And all that is easier said than done… unless, of course, you have your SCENARs, QLasers, and SOLARIS Blankets at your disposal. That’s where your Healing Fusion tools shine, Home Healers, because without them most of the above becomes very difficult, if not impossible (at the end of the day your system is overloaded with disturbing vibrations, the “fight-or-flight” firmly dominates, and most of the usual “relaxing” techniques plainly don’t work… as you probably realize tossing and turning in your bed well past midnight).
That’s what we would recommend for your Evening Ritual.
Your 7 DON’Ts:
- Don’t’ drink, eat, watch, listen to, or even read anything too stimulating; anything that can increase the adrenaline level in your bloodstream (such as coffee, soda, alcohol, scary movies, loud music, or disturbing news on TV) – for at least 2 hours before bed.
- Don’t go to bed too late. Your body is still built to wake up with sunrise and go to bed at sunset. Let’s try to keep to the minimum your biological clock violations.
- Don’t work too late. That includes checking and answering your emails and Facebook messages and solving problems. Just UNPLUG, from everything and anything, well before your bedtime.
- Don’t stay glued to your blue-screen devices (such as smartphones, tablets, and computers) late in the evening. They emit a blue light, which prevents the release of melatonin in your body – a hormone that is responsible for your restful sleep. Melatonin should be released at the right time, so give up your gadgets at least 2 hours before bed.
- Don’t eat too much right before your bedtime; otherwise the active digestive process will interfere with your sleep. (Ideally, nothing at all after 7pm – one of the weight loss tips.)
- Don’t leave a mess in the kitchen; you will hate yourself for that in the morning.
- Don’t go to bed upset. Forgive everyone for everything – and most important, forgive YOURSELF. Learn your lesson and let go of the bad feeling approaching the next day with a clean slate. Every morning is a fresh start.
Your 7 DOs:
(NOTE: our DOs will be quite different from those for people without our space gadgets – and wa-a-ay more effective):
- CLEANSE yourself from “negative energies” accumulated during the day. That is figuratively speaking, of course. These are not actually “energies”, but rather chaotic disturbances in our energy and informational fields, which need to be put in tune with the healthy body vibrations in order to restore your systemic coherence. Here is what you can do:
WATER, especially the running water, is a great informational cleanser. Take a hot shower, or at least keep your hands under the hot running water for 1-2 min. and carefully wash your face (washing off the day’s troubles along with your makeup).
- GROUND yourself. Connecting to the coherent vibrations of our Mother Earth is one of the simplest and best things you can do. Walk barefoot on the ground for 10-15 min. or do any other “earthing” technique – they are all good.
- QLASER: use Mode 2 on you Heart Chakra for a few cycles – until you get the “deep sigh”). That will not only improve your systemic coherence, but also recharge your biological battery, which is depleted after a hard day. (Ideally, you would want to do the full Chakra Balancing Protocol, but it takes some time.) If you have a tension headache, you can also use the Q1000 in Mode 2 on the temples, forehead, base of the skull and all over your head.
- SCENAR/COSMODIC: the “Energy Cleanse” Protocol is the best and quickest, of course, but it requires a partner (you can do it on each other having A LOT of fun in the process :-)). If you don’t have a partner, Dose the Cross-Points (the “third eye” – the coccyx – the thymus – the C7).
– If you have the shungite mini-spheres, connect them to your SCENAR or, better yet, COSMODIC device and do the Ear-Brain Balancing Protocol; it is quick, easy, and extremely effective.
– If you have large shungite attachments (such as large spheres, semi-spheres, cylinders, or flat discs), take one in each hand or put one under each foot – and let your SCENAR or COSMODIC device run for 5-10 min.
I, personally, LOVE this last technique. I use the large shungite cylinders under my feet every evening for about 15-20 min., at the same time doing the Ear-Brain Balancing with the mini-spheres (the Slider x2 allows 2 pairs of external electrodes to be plugged into it simultaneously) and the Chakra Balancing with the Q1000NG+. It probably looks funny on the outside, but you have to try it to feel the effect… It is almost like a full systemic energetic reset – in 21 min. or so (7 Q1000 cycles – one for each chakra).
CALM DOWN SNS, get out of “fight-or-flight”. For that, you can use anything that works for you: a nice warm bath (especially with Epson salt), meditation, yoga, your favorite relaxing music, aromatherapy candles, massage (especially head and foot massage), a purring cat on your lap… Anything that relaxes YOU, even if it is cooking or cleaning; our ways of relaxation are very individual.There are, however, some universal ways that Home Healers can and should include in the Evening Ritual for relaxation, such as:
- half an hour in the SOLARIS Health Blanket (you can meditate in it too – and/or do the Chakra Balancing with the QLaser);
- the “Little Wings” Technique with your SCENAR or COSMODIC (it is better if you have a partner, but you can perform it on yourself as well). The “Little Wings” technique is a must to master, because it is one of the most effective ways to quickly get out of stress. It may not feel very relaxing in the process, but when you are done, you will feel like the weight of the world just fell of your shoulders. Of course, if you’ve done it right 🙂
- GET READY for tomorrow. That will substantially reduce the morning stress and help conquer the decision fatigue (at least in part :-)).
- Do a quick tidy. Put things away and straighten up a little. It is so nice to wake up to an orderly house, especially a clean kitchen 🙂
- Preempt morning panic. Attack the trouble areas the night before. Coffee beans in the machine? Work outfit decided? Gym clothes ready for a morning workout? Kids’ schoolbags packed?
- Plug in electronics. You don’t need to stress yourself in the morning over your cell phone or other gadgets running out of juice.
- Get your water on the nightstand to drink first thing in the morning.
- Set an alarm, if you need it.
- REFLECT on the day – and SET GOALS for tomorrow. Spend a few minutes asking yourself a few simple questions; it is a powerful practice.
Tony Robbins talks about how questions control what you focus on – and whatever you focus on, expands. Whatever you focus on you feel. For example, what determines whether or not you would label today as GOOD or BAD is based on what you choose to focus on.
The truth is, there is GOOD and BAD in each day, and what you decide to focus on each night before going to sleep will determine how you feel about that day. Doesn’t it make sense then to take the time to recognize and acknowledge the GOOD that happened that day? It is there; you just have to look for it.
If you did this, then guess what happens? Every day becomes GOOD! Imagine how you would feel about your life if every day was good 🙂 Here are the Tony Robbins’ Evening Questions that will help you to get there. Before going to bed each night, ask yourself the following.
- What was great about today? What did I love?
- What have I given today? In what ways have I been a giver?
- What did I learn today?
- How has today added to my life? In what ways has my life improved?
- What did I do today towards reaching my goals – and what can I do tomorrow?
And then you plan accordingly.
NOTE. It’s important to really FEEL the emotions of your answers. This will give you the sense of fulfillment and satisfaction that will make you really appreciate the day.
The above practice should be your last “thinking effort” of the day. After that – turn you mind off, as much as you can – and let your heart rule.
- Kiss your loved ones GOODNIGHT. Read a bedtime story to your kids. Snuggle with your pet.
- READ something that does not require much thinking – like a romantic novel or a fiction without too many dead bodies.
- TURN ON PNS (Parasympathetic Nervous System). This is a job for SCENAR or COSMODIC. Use it on the Cross-Points (if you didn’t do it earlier) – and additionally, Dose the points on the right and on the left of your neck, where you feel the pulse (you can access your Vagus nerve there). Good night 🙂
Yes, I know, all these 7 DOs look like a lot to do in the evening while, actually, it is not that much. Just select things from the list that you are most comfortable doing without much effort, combine them in any order in an easy routine – and follow it.
I guarantee, it will still be better than habitually dragging yourself to bed right from your computer at 2 am and passing out from exhaustion, only to feel in the morning like a truck ran you over. (Guess how I know that :-))
Wishing all Home Healers sweet dreams,
Dr. Irina