How do you picture Heaven? While answers may vary, I believe, most of us would say that it is a place filled with LOVE.
And what about the other, the opposite place? What is this filled with? Pain and suffering? Loneliness? Desperation? I would argue that it is primarily filled with FEAR. It is fear, not hatred that is the opposite of love.
It is fear, in its various forms, that stops us from enjoying life to the fullest, from fulfilling our dreams, and ultimately – from reaching our potential and becoming who we were designed to be.
Let fears dominate your life – and you will create hell on Earth for yourself (and probably your loved ones). Frustration, disappointment, and anxiety will be omnipresent in your unfulfilled existence, and love and joy will have no place to come in.
It is so easy to fall into this trap… Big and small, fears sneak in so easily, become so habitual, that after a while you do not even realize how much The Fear Factor controls your life. And even if you do – then what? What can you do to conquer your fears?
Actually, quite a bit. There are many programs and practices that teach you to deal with fear. We will show you how to do it “the Home Healers way”.
Who is afraid of creepy-crawlies? The first step is to identify your fears. Take your “fear inventory”, so to speak. Take your time, make a list, and do not freak out when you see how exhaustively large your list is becoming. Be honest with yourself and as accurate and detailed as possible.
- Now grade your fears (on the scale from 0 to 10) based on two criteria: their intensity and their scale. This way, 0 is no fear at all – and 10 is a paralyzing horror. 1 is a small “focused” fear of spiders or airplanes – and 10 is a global fear of another world war or an alien invasion.
- Select ONE fear you would like to work on. We suggest selecting, for start, a small focused but intense fear (for example, you are absolutely terrified of snakes, can have an anxiety attack over a very thought of flying, or cannot stand to be around a clown). It is easier to practice on concrete fears – and if it’s intensity is high, it is easier to see the positive outcome of your exercise.
- Now utilize EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). Below is a generic video how to do it. You can find other video examples on YouTube more suitable for your particular fear or you can modify the text yourself. As long as you are clear about “where you are” and “where you want to go”, it is going to work.
- And here is what we as Home Healers are going to do differently. Did you see those parts where you are tapping on “the third eye”, around your eyes, on the upper lip, or on your hand? Basically, anywhere where you have an access to the bare skin? The tapping is rhythmical but gentle, and the good news is – YOU CAN DO IT with your SCENAR or COSMODIC device! ANY SCENAR or COSMODIC device will do, providing that it is turned on and the energy level is set high (our favorite for this procedure is the DOVE scenar though). This modification alone will increase the efficiency of the proven fear-mastering EFT 5-7 folds.
- Take a challenge by exposing yourself to your Fear Factor (in your imagination, in virtual reality, or actually). See how the first procedure worked for you – and if necessary, repeat it (you can do it as many times as necessary).

That’s it. Try it, get amazed with the outcome, make sure the achieved results are stable – and move on to work on another fear. One at a time, from smaller to bigger and more challenging ones.
You will notice, as you eliminate your fears one by one, the decrease in your overall Fear Factor and in the intensity of your remaining fears. Some of them will go away even without you specifically working on them. And as you Fear Factor melts down, your Freedom Factor grows enriching your life and opening many doors for you.
Few TIPS for better performance.
- Tap with your SCENAR/COSMODIC touching the skin very lightly (to protect the device), but making sure that you are actually touching the skin.
- For SCENAR/COSMODIC, utilize every “bare skin” tapping area that you would normally tap with your fingertips, but on the points that you would tap with a fist (such as the thymus projection area), alternate a hand and a device.
- If you have the QLaser, use it on the Heart Chakra on Mode 2 while doing the tapping (in the middle of the sternum).
- Even though the video shows you tapping only on one side of the body, you can (and should) do it on both sides for higher efficiency.
There are other ways to conquer your fears, of course, but as Home Healers with Space Gadgets, we can take a shortcut 🙂
BTW, when we say that the above exercise helps you conquer your fears, we do not mean that your fears will vanish. Everyone has fears. The difference is in the degree you allow FEAR to control your life. What separates a hero from a coward is how they deal with fears: face them or yield to them. Our exercise will help you to stay on the hero side – and win 🙂

You may ask, how do I know it works? Well, I used to be afraid of creepy-crawlies… And now – here I am, in the pictures with a pretty nasty-looking huge thing crawling over my hand, live boa constrictor around my neck, an irritated black scorpion on my wrist – and I almost kissed a frog (I didn’t do it at the last moment though, for a very little chance of this particular leaf frog being a prince).
These pictures were taken just a couple weeks ago in Penang, Malaysia – and I was the only one in our small group who did what you see me doing… No, no one challenged me. I just wanted to check where I am with regards to my Fear Factor.
Would you dare? 🙂 If not – you need to do the exercise described above, at least the “inventory” part. And if you would – you still need to do it. Otherwise you will never know how much your life is affected by The Fear Factor – and how much happier and more free you would be with less of it.
Everyone has fears. What matters is how you deal with them. I wish we all be fear-less, Home Healers.