Classical SCENAR Protocols: “Little Wings”

The “Little Wings” Technique came from the classical Russian SCENAR School. It is named after the effect it creates: the visible repeated involuntary contractions of the neck and shoulder muscles resembling “flapping of the wings”.

The “Little Wings” Technique is a quick and efficient way to:

  • remove tension in the neck and shoulders typically caused by Chronic Stress (thus somewhat decreasing the “Fight-or-Flight” dominance of the Sympathetic Nervous System);
  • directly stimulate the Vagus nerve (thus waking up the suppressed Parasympathetic Nervous System with its healing “Rest-and-Digest” or Relaxation Response).

These two simultaneous effects make the “Little Wings” Technique invaluable in battling any stressful condition, from an acute panic attack or a “stage fright” to the habitual and deadly Chronic Stress.

“Little Wings” Technique is also very helpful for:

  • balancing of the Atlas (C1) misalignment (the “Bowling Ball” syndrome),
  • improvement of the cranial blood circulation in a wide variety of conditions (from simple headaches to chronic degenerative disorders of eyes, ears, and other cranial structures);
  • a massive and quick release of endorphins, when it is required (depressive states, low energy, fatigue, drowsiness, lethargy etc.)

The above multitude of beneficial applications coupled with the relative simplicity and quickness of the procedure make the “Little Wings” Technique one of the favorites of any SCENAR user, at home on in a professional practice.

Even though it looks quite simple, the “Little Wings” Technique requires a certain level of proficiency in working with SCENAR COSMODIC devices and understanding of the body biomechanics. That’s why we consider it an advanced technique.

“Little Wings” can be self-administered, but it is way easier if you have someone to assist you – and becomes even easier with the use of a pair of remote electrodes (we recommend the shungite electrodes for their high conductivity and inherent healing properties – see the video below).

Here is how to perform the “Little Wings” Technique.

  • For the first generation SCENAR device, use the following settings: AM modulation = 3:1, Damping = Sk2, Frequency = 121 (90,60) Hz. For the DOVE scenar, use M3 (Mode 3 – 3 sec. stimulation followed by 1 sec. pause). For a COSMODIC device, use the MYO mode (if it has one). Otherwise, leave it on Auto. In any case, begin on a comfortable energy level.
  • Firmly press the device against the side of the neck at the position shown on the picture.
  • Increase the energy level. You may need to move the device around a little bit (without detaching it from the skin) in order to find a location, which will elicit involuntary contractions of the neck and shoulder muscles.
  • The contractions may be very little at the beginning (in most cases, muscles in this area are very rigid due to stress), but as you keep your device firmly and steadily on the found spot, the amplitude of shoulder motions will increase. Ask a client to help you by being completely relaxed and letting the shoulder go where it wants to go – followed by letting it completely drop at the pause.
  • Consider getting 5-7 good contractions on each side – and slightly massage the shoulders with your COSMODIC or the DOVE scenar afterward to balance the flow of energy.

NOTE: The procedure also quickly puts a person in a good mood – you will have a client giggling or laughing out loud almost instantly.

Here is a short video on how to perform the “Little Wings” Technique with shungite electrodes.

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