Birds Do It, Bees Do It… Let’s Do It – with SCENAR and the Healing FUSION

How to enhance your love life with SCENAR, COSMODIC, Low Level LASER, and SOLARIS Blanket

“Birds do it, bees do it, even educated flees do it… Let’s do it, let’s fall in love”, as Ella Fitzgerald sings so beautifully 🙂 Yes, we are going to talk about your love life.

This is not a secret (actually, it is a well-known fact) that the satisfactory love life is a major contributor to your overall health. All these endorphins rushing into your bloodstream, the joyful and gratifying workout (probably the best of its kind), the pure pleasure of being so close with your loved one, and, of course, the magic of your major chakras opening and your heart finally being in complete control and love filling every cell of your body and every part of being… it can’t get healthier than that.

This life-giving miracle is not a prerogative of a few; it is a gift that every adult on the planet can enjoy – and yet, how many of us actually receive its full benefits?

If you care to explore, the statistics is truly depressing (the actual stats are outside the scope of this article, but you can easily Google it).

So why don’t we fully enjoy one of the Mother Nature’s most precious gifts?

There are great many reasons, from a belief system to upbringing to social trends to habits to life circumstances to shift in priorities to ever-powerful chronic stress running our lives to poor time management to too much mind control to mental-emotional exhaustion to pure physical reasons such as environmental toxicity, hormonal imbalance (including exogenous estrogen pollution), lack of energy, general infections and inflammations, auto-immune disorders, ED, frigidity, anatomical abnormalities, uro-genital disorders, age-related challenges, and so on and so forth.

With that many reasons affecting pretty much each and every one of us to one or another degree, aren’t you wondering how do we still manage to procreate at all?

Fortunately for Home Healers with Space Gadgets, our SCENARs, COSMODICs, Low Level LASERs, and SOLARIS Blankets can eliminate or diminish many of the above challenges – and help you deal with others. And even if you are one of a very few lucky people who is free from any of the above, your Healing FUSION tools can substantially enhance the wonderful experience of unity with your loved one on all levels.

With such a diversity of hindrances to our love life, I, of course, cannot provide you with the universal solution suitable for everyone – nor would I dare to do so. I would merely like to make a few suggestions that worked for many of our Healing FUSION clients (I will offer you only the solutions that we know worked).

It is only fair that we share these positive experiences with you. If they can help bring more joy into your life, this in itself will bring more joy into ours.

Just try to keep an open mind and do not disregards something only because it does not sit well with you – remember that it worked for others; there is no reason it shouldn’t work for you, if you let it.

So here is what I would like to suggest to you for your “love life enhancement”.

  1. Make time for your partner. The time when the whole world compresses to the small space with just two of you, and nothing else matters. The time when time stands still.

I know, I know, this is not easy with our hectic lifestyle. But you know what? Time is the most precious currency – and it is the one that, when given, will be appreciated the most and returned with interest.

  1. Turn your mind chatter off. There is nothing that kills romance more efficiently than remembering unpaid bills, your angry boss, car troubles, a sink in need of fixing, your kids’ unfinished homework, and what not. Just let yourself be present in the moment, here and now. Silence your mind – let your heart speak.
  1. There is one popular SCENAR technique that can quickly reset your focus, lift the daily stress of your shoulders, and put you in a good mood. Of course, you guessed it – “The Little Wings”, what else? It will only take a couple of minutes to do on each other – and you are off to a great start.The Little Wings can be performed with pretty much any SCENAR, COSMODIC, or even a SCENAR-type device, preferably the one that has a modulated mode of action, such as M3 for the DOVE scenar, AM 3:1 for RITMSCENARs, or MYO mode for COSMODIC. It can be efficiently done with the device itself or, better yet, with a pair of large enough shungite attachments, such as the flat discs or semi-spheres. These attachments make the technique much easier and save you time.


“The Little Wings” Technique
with Shungite Semi-spheres or Flat Discs

Little Wings graphicThe “Little Wings” technique with SCENAR or COSMODIC is one of our forever favourites, because you get so many benefits – in a matter of 1-2 min.

“Little Wings” protocol creates involuntary contractions of the neck and shoulder muscles, at the same time directly stimulating the Vagus nerve. This effect removes tension in the neck and shoulders and lifts off the load of stress in a matter of seconds showing the body what a proper Autonomic Nervous System balance should be like.

This amazingly effective procedure, however, requires a certain level of proficiency in working with the SCENAR or COSMODIC device (it is not always easy to locate the trigger point for muscle stimulation). That is, unless you use the shungite semi-spheres or flat discs. This simplifies the technique significantly and allows to perform it in half a time.

The “Little Wings” can be self-administered, but it is way easier if someone does it on you – or you perform it on a client.

  • To perform the technique, set your device in MYO mode (if it has one). Otherwise, leave it on Auto. For the DOVE scenar, move to M3 (Mode 3 – 3 sec. stimulation followed by 1 sec. pause). Connect the shungite attachments and make sure the electrical current is flowing through them.
  • Firmly press both attachments against both sides of the neck at the position shown on the picture.
  • Increase the energy level (you will have to figure out how to do that since both your hands are occupied with the shungites :-)). You may need to move the shungites around a little bit, without detaching it from the skin, in order to find a location, which will elicit involuntary contractions of the neck and shoulder muscles.
  • The contractions may be very little at the beginning (in most cases, muscles in this area are very rigid due to stress), but as you keep your attachments firmly and steadily on the found spot, the amplitude of shoulder motions will increase. Ask a client to help you by being completely relaxed and letting the shoulder go where it wants to go – followed by letting it completely drop at the pause. You may want to keep reminding a client to relax letting the shoulders rise and fall – clients often tend to tense up in the process.
  • Consider getting 5-7 good contractions – and slightly massage the shoulders with your COSMODIC or the DOVE afterwards to balance the flow of energy.

NOTE: The procedure also quickly puts a person in a good mood – you will have a client giggling or laughing out loud almost instantly (crying happens too once in a while). No matter what the emotional reaction is, it is VERY good if you have it, and not so good if you don’t.


  1. Massaging the neck and shoulders, with your hands and/or with the SCENAR/COSMODIC, is a very effective way to get your partner “in the mood”. Do you know why? Not just because it relieves tension, but also because it is “an opposite symmetry” to the reproductive organs, horizontally and frontally… Yup, there is more to the slow shoulder massage than just softening the stiff muscles 🙂
  1. One of the ways of getting the maximum pleasure from your experience together is to activate the two lower chakras (Root and Sacral) beforehand. You can do it with either Low Level LASER or SCENAR/COSMODIC or, better yet, both of them together. Areas to influence:
  • Perineum, which is anatomically closest to the Root Chakra. (SCENAR/COSMODIC device on a perineum can do wonders not only because it considerably enhances your love life, but also because it is a general vitality point. If, however, it sounds a little drastic, even with a small remote attachment, just put the QLaser on Mode 1 there and let it run for 2-3 cycles while you are doing something else.)
  • Area right above the pubic bone.
  • Tailbone (the coccyx). This particular point is also important because it can stimulate our routinely supressed PNS (Parasympathetic Nervous System) through the Pelvic Nervous Plexus – and that in itself is great for balancing the chronic stress.

SCENAR/COSMODIC settings: the more variable the better.

A pair of large shungite electrodes (such as semi-spheres, large spheres, cylinders, flat discs, or plates) can make the chakra activation process substantially more efficient, at the same time majorly contributing to the healthy state of your reproductive and urinary systems. You can put the electrodes on any two of the three above locations and alternate them and switch around (reversing polarity) in any manner.

The whole thing does not have to resemble a treatment session. It can be made fun, exciting, and nicely integrated into your intimacy time like a game you play with each other.

And relaxing in each other’s arms in or under the SOLARIS Blanket at the end of your time together will only strengthen the ultimate closeness that you’ve just experienced.

Even though I have some more suggestions (some of them quite unique), I think that’s enough for now. I would only want to point your attention to one more thing.

A flower blossoms when cared for – and so does your love life. And while you probably heard many advises on how to keep romance in your relationship alive, there is not much information out there on how to naturally maintain the peak performance of your reproductive system.

While it is a big and a very important topic in itself, there are a couple of things that I would like to suggest now, for all Healing FUSION owners to do on a regular basis.

  • Stimulation of the Female Vitality Point (SP6)DETAILS HERE. (It actually works very well for both men and women.)
  • Influencing of the above-mentioned areas (the coccyx, the low abdomen, and the perineum) with SCENAR/COSMODIC (with remote attachments or without) and/or the LLL;
  • COSMODIC vaginally (for women) or rectally (for men), with the single silver remote attachment or a pair of shungite cylinders (in which case the second cylinder can be placed above the pubic bone or on the tailbone).
  • Men can also greatly benefit from applying a SCENAR or COSMODIC device on a scrotum for 5 min on each side (on a min energy level initially and slowly increasing it to a comfortable level, pressing the device gently against the body). This area is considered an Area of General Regulation in SCENAR therapy and provides an excellent boost in vitality.

These simple procedures when done regularly will not only keep your love life blossoming, but also be the best things you can do for your reproductive system health. Most of the disorders of the reproductive and urinary systems can be effectively treated that way.


In many cultures making love is considered an art – and for a good reason. This beautiful experience should not be only physical and emotional; it should be spiritual as well, allowing a new life to begin in connection to the Source.

It is rarely that way in our informationally overloaded society. I, however, believe that the coherent vibrations that the Low Level LASER and, especially, COSMODIC bring into the picture can facilitate that connection – if you let them, of course.

Silence your mind, let your heart speak – and let your Healing FUSION tools make the magic of your love life even more powerful.

To your health and happiness, Home Healers,

Dr. Irina












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