SCENAR Therapy: SCENAR – a Universal Connector

Systemic Interactions, or SCENAR as a Connector

© by Dr. Irina Kossovskaia,  August 2005, posted on the SCENARISTA newsgroup

Dr. Irina Kossovskaia“My personal keen interest lies in healing power of systemic interactions.

We are all parts of a much bigger system – of a living and intelligent Universe, and its well-being depends on a well-being of each of us. Informationally and energetically we are all connected. It only makes sense that if one of us develops adaptation problems and, therefore, cannot properly function for the benefit of the Universe, the surrounding systems are always there to assist in healing. The Universe is self-controlling and self-regulating too.

Wouldn’t it be great to fully understand, how this process is happening, so  we can consciously facilitate it? It is something like understanding the laws of evolution and enhancing its old inefficient and chaotic way of ‘trials and errors’ with our conscious efforts to evolve.  Just how much more efficiently we can heal if we will start consciously utilize always available to us informational and energetic resources of other systems around us? Maybe then we won’t need any pills at all…”

Dr. Irina Kossovskaia, MD,PhD,DNM

The phenomenon of information and energy transfer between living systems lately became a subject of my particular interest. I believe that humankind is rapidly moving towards the state of collective consciousness, which involves perfection of interpersonal communication and a certain degree of coherence of individual energy fields.

More and more people, recently, are discovering their abilities to help others just through energy field interference (for example, Reiki is gaining popularity even amongst non-practitioners – and who heard about this practice even 15-20 years ago?). I call this ‘healing through interaction’ Systemic Interactive Medicine (SI Medicine) and consider the SCENAR to be one of its most efficient tools.

When a living system faces a serious problem, it turns for help to other living systems (preferably of the same level of complexity). We all experience SI Medicine in action on spiritual, emotional, and intellectual levels, when we discuss our problems with a friend, or a psychologist, or a priest. Others become our mirrors – and sometimes the sources of unconditional love, increasing the level of our coherence. (Imaginary friends count :-))

In the same way it can work on a physical level, if our bodies could find a way to communicate with other bodies (communicate directly, not through the censorship of consciousness).

This mechanism works if we have a direct physical contact with another being (a hug, a massage, a healing touch etc.). That also includes contact of energy fields, which extend outside of our physical bodies. Experienced energy healers skillfully utilize this connection in order to balance their client’s energy field. However, some people can do it knowing absolutely nothing about energy healing. They just instinctively do what they feel is right (in most cases, it involves placing a hand on the recipients sore spot or elsewhere) – and it helps.

In fact, everyone has the ability to be an energy healer, but some of us can develop this quality easier than others (pets, by the way, are great healers and generously share their healing powers with us).

SCENAR adds a whole new dimension to systemic interactions. It optimizes the energy exchange between living systems. SCENAR is the ideal connector.

  • It turns anyone into a miracle worker, just by assisting in blending energy fields of a client and a therapist.
  • It also amplifies your power as an energy healer, becoming an extension of your hand.

Of course, the SCENAR, when in contact with the body, due to its feedback feature acts as a living system ‘in its own rights’ and helps to balance the recipient’s energy body as per the laws of systemic interactions. But over and above that, it opens the freeway of communication and energy exchange between a client and a therapist, providing for ‘a healing trinity’ (or forming ‘The Healing Triangle’). This is a two-way communication – and that’s where the possible problems lie, if the therapist’s system is not quite prepared for such free flow. Many other healing practices rely on energo-informational exchange between two systems, but SCENAR provides for it by far more efficiently.

That’s what happens during systemic interactions. When two living systems come in contact with each other, their energy and informational fields blend. The stronger system (the more coherent one) at first mirrors the one in need (the one with scrambled frequencies), in order to blend completely – and then both systems act as one. The stronger system becomes a sort of ‘tuning fork’ for the weaker one, re-aligning and re-balancing its vibrations. Both systems together form a new functional union, qualitatively different from each of its parts, and this union thrives for regaining the higher level of coherence. After this is achieved, systems disconnect – and each one now is more coherent than before the interaction (as a healer, did you notice that when you are feeling blue, the best remedy for you is to treat someone?).

In this interaction, no transfer of ‘negative energy’ happens. (By the way, I do not believe that there is such thing as negative energy. Energy is just energy. The way it is being used can be positive or negative; but it has nothing to do with energy as such, I think.) The stronger system for a while lets itself become imbalanced, just to strengthen the connection with the weaker one. It regains balance after a short while ‘pulling along’ the weaker system. Don’t we all do just that helping our loved ones?

Problems usually arise when the stronger system is not coherent enough. Then ‘tuning into’ the weaker system can actually be manifested as mirroring the symptoms of client’s disease. The supposedly stronger system gets overwhelmed with the massive cacophony of strange scrambled frequencies (as you know, every disease has its own unique vibrational signature) and just cannot return to the initial relatively balanced state fast enough. The more is the exposure to incoherent vibrations the longer the system stays imbalanced and the more pronounced the imbalance will be. The SCENAR, being a very effective connector, increases this exposure quite a bit – that’s why such peculiar effect of systemic interactions as mirroring the client’s state is more visible in SCENAR therapy than in other energy healing practices.

The mentioned effect in SCENAR therapy is so common that all new to the field are usually forewarn about it at their initial training (see the article “How SCENAR Therapists Protect Themselves”).

  • We recommend that new practitioners do not take too many clients in one day, especially clients with similar conditions.
  • We also caution practitioners from working when they are not feeling well. Their level of coherence is low and can drop even more after exposure to another incoherent system (may be just the opposite, but in this situation risk is not justified). Furthermore, the practitioner’s incoherency can in fact negatively affect the client’s system.
  • We also suggest that practitioners do not take a client that they do not like.  In this case, the practitioner’s and the client’s vibrations are so incompatible that it will be almost impossible for a practitioner to tune into a client and therapy will not be nearly as effective as it can be with someone else.

All SCENARs of ‘the first generation(the 97.4 series and deriving models) provide for free information transfer between a client and a therapist, and there is no way around it. The Alexander Karasev’s 735, however, and his newest baby girl EX715 both have a special ‘mirror’ effect protecting an operator from ‘traffic on the freeway’. I think it is a very valuable feature, which gives a therapist a freedom of choice. If you feel imbalanced (and we all do once in a while) or tired, you don’t have to utilize the resources of your own weakening energy field, the machine will do good enough job. Yet if you feel strong, you always can find other ways of connecting to the client’s energy field and supplement the SCENAR effects with your own healing powers.

But if you, as a practitioner, don’t have the 735 at your disposal, still try to keep the state of spiritual, mental, emotional and physical balance regardless of the circumstances, for your own sake and for the sake of your clients. Reflecting macrocosm of the wise and harmonious Universe, STAY COHERENT 🙂

Dr. Irina Kossovskaia, MD, PhD, DNM

SCENAR (SKENAR) as a new field of medical science and as a unique phenomenon is constantly growing and evolving. It’s evolution is being pioneered by LET Medical Research Laboratory in Russia led by Dr. Alexander Karasev – the original inventor of SCENAR (SKENAR) and COSMODIC ®.

GO HERE to see the array of the newest SCENAR and COSMODIC ® devices.

These sophisticated and intelligent machines more and more resemble the famous Star Trek healing device… What it is going to be 5-10 years down the road? 🙂 Stay tuned…

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