Rest Assured… And Save BIG

Actually, we are not so sure about ‘resting’ assured… It’s more like ‘act assured’ – because it is time for ACTION. We are opening our annual New Year’s Resolution Sale!

Starting now, December 15, 2011 and going to January 7, 2012, we are offering you serious discounts on DOVE scenars, Cosmodic 705m, and Healing FUSION Packages with savings as high as 35%.

So what does it have to do with “resting assured”?

When you purchase the Healing FUSION equipment before Jan 7th, 2012 you are automatically enrolled in our 7 Point ASSURANCE Program.

Our 7 Points ASSURANCE Program for You and Your Family

You can be (‘rest’) Assured that:

1. You now have the very best Energy Healing Tools contemporary health science has to offer. We have researched and tested them for the last several years – and we can confidently give you that assurance.

2. These healing tools are universal, efficient, and cost effective and, providing that you will use them regularly, your future health care costs can/will dramatically reduce.

3. We will provide the Customer Support, Training Materials and Expertise you need to use your Healing FUSION equipment well.

4. We will provide your continual education and “hand holding” through our monthly teleconferences, webinars, or HealthBoss Internet TV channel.

5. You will have enough time to decide if the purchased equipment is right for you. When you are a part of the Assurance program, we extend our standard 3o-day Satisfaction Guarantee to 60 or 90 days (depending on the devices purchased).

6. From now on, every day of your life instead of taking something away from you will bring you something good – more health, more energy, more joy, more fun, more security, more confidence, more independence, more FREEDOM.

7. You will have the right to say, “I now KNOW that I am doing the right thing to help myself and those I love and care for become and stay healthy – in body, mind, and spirit.”

So get your FUSION tools and put them to good use.

As Einstein would say, “Nothing happens until something moves.” Hence, don’t just REST Assured – ACT Assured.

Wishing you the best this Holiday Season and sending Blessings and Joy your way,

Dr. Irina, Doc David and the HealthBoss Team

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