Love The Skin You Are In – Face Rejuvenation PROTOCOL

young-vs-oldWill you forgive me for a little bit “on the edge” joke? I only put it here because it is very relevant to the topic.

So, the conversation once sparkled between the Face and the opposite part of the body, the one we sit on. Let’s call it the A..ce, yes, the Ace. The Face says, “Ace, I often wonder, how do you manage to stay so clear, smooth, and young-looking despite years going by, while I am getting all wrinkled, spotty, and saggy?” “Well”, said the Ace, “it’s because you react to everything, stress yourself, and get all emotional – while I just poop on everything…”

I could not resist reminding you that old joke, because there is a lot of truth in it. Of course, not only our emotions put their imprint on our faces making it age, often prematurely. There are also sun exposure; chemical damage from contaminated water, soaps, lotions and potions, and whatever else we put on our face; mechanical damage from razors and scrubs, and so on and so forth.

All the above results in us looking in a mirror one day – and not recognizing that old person in it wondering, “What the h.ll happened?!” And then FEAR sets in…

That fear is what motivates us to spend fortunes on various anti-aging cosmetic products and even go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. ANYTHING to iron out those wrinkles, to return at least some elasticity to the sagging skin, to make invisible those age spots…to slow down time.

What can we, Home Healers with Space Gadgets, do in this department? Can we rejuvenate the aging skin making ourselves younger-looking? Certainly – and let’s see HOW. We will take the most age-sensitive skin of the face and neck as an example.

(Please note that we will be discussing the SKIN rejuvenation only. The full facial rejuvenation protocol, that we call Coherent Beauty Treatment, or the “Cinderella Protocol”, involves much more than just the skin. You can find it on the DVDs in our DVD Library here:

Even though you can use various Healing FUSION tools for skin rejuvenation, our favorite combination is a COSMODIC device with a pair of small shungite electrodes (like 12mm or 16 mm mini-spheres) + Q1000 (Legacy, NG, or NG+) with 660 Enhancer. You can use the Q10 as well, but then you can’t use the 660 – and the last one is important.

Here is the last issue of “Qlaser Flashes” from Dr. Larry Lytle (click on the link). It talks precisely about the 630-670nm visible red light being extremely beneficial for skin regeneration due to its stimulating effect on ATP (cellular energy molecules) and collagen production. This effect was confirmed in the published clinical research study from Japan, which is described in Dr. Lytle’s article. The 660 (Legacy, NG, or NG+) Enhancer, as well as the 660 Flash Probe, is just the right tool to produce such effect.

If you do not have both the QLaser and the SCENAR/COMSODIC technologies at your disposal, use either of them, in any variation – anything you have or do is better than have or do nothing.

Healing FUSION Facial Skin Rejuvenation PROTOCOL


If you want to revive and revitalize your skin cells, then make sure they have a way to dispose toxic wastes. There is no point in helping a cell to increase its activity and metabolism, if it cannot release the byproducts of this activity fast enough. It will only lead to self-poisoning. Hence, cleaning the lymphatic pathways (the body’s drainage system) is the first thing you want to do.

Start on the front of the neck working with the QLaser (in one hand) and/or SCENAR/COSMODIC (in another hand) with alternating strokes in rhythmic motions, going downwards from the lower jaw to the clavicle, and from the center to the sides. Continue working from the sternum towards the underarms. Apply slight pressure, even when you are using the QLaser (you can use the Laser directly on the skin, not necessarily on a distance from it).

If you have only three factory modes on your Q1000, use the Mode 1. Alternatively, you can use the Anti-aging of Lymphatic drainage out of the custom selection modes.


face massage and lymphatic drainageWork with the SCENAR/COSMODIC and/or the resonating QLaser on each side of the face, covering the entire surface and moving from the forehead towards the chin and from the central line towards the ears (right side of the face first) – for 3-5 min. on each side. Look at the picture on the right for the directions of the lines.

You can work simultaneously with the SCENAR/COSMODIC and the QLaser as in Step 1 – or just shining the QLaser from 1-2 inches away from the skin while working on the skin in motion with the SCENAR/COSMODIC.

Around the eyes, work only with the SCENAR or, better yet, COSMOIDC. This particular part is much easier to do with the small external COSMODIC electrodes, such as the mini-spheres. Move in circular motions (clockwise on the left side and counterclockwise – on the right side of the face).


face massage key pointsThere are 23 strategic points on the face (10 symmetrical pairs and 3 single points) that are important to influence in order to restore the energetic and informational pathways responsible for the youthful look of the skin. Refer to the picture for the location of the points.

The most convenient way to influence these points is with a pair of shungite mini-spheres – this way you can work simultaneously of the symmetrical points. Besides being a time-saver, this method provides additional health benefits, which we definitely notice, but cannot quite yet explain. For now, just do it, if you can – you will be pleasantly surprised.

You can find shungite electrodes here:

If you only have the Q1000 with the 660 Enhancer, use the latter to work on the points; 30 seconds on each of the points should be enough.


This is the step where you need your 660 Enhancer (or Flash Probe). You will use it to “illuminate” every stubborn wrinkle going along it, back and forth, staying very close to the skin surface.

If you have a COSMODIC device, but no shungite electrodes, you may combine Steps 3 and 4, working on the points with your COSMODIC with one hand – and on the wrinkles with the 660 Enhancer with another hand. That saves quite a bit of time.

If you do not have the 660 Enhancer, you will have to skip this step. That would be a pity, because the effect of this procedure can be quite dramatic, especially if done repeatedly.


In this step, you simply go with the 660 Enhancer in small circular or, better yet, “figure 8” motion all over the face and neck for 2-3 min. Without the 660, wave the Qlaser over the entire area in Mode 1.

Simultaneously, you keep the COSMODIC device on the “Third Eye” point until it Doses.

That’s it. The entire procedure should not take more than 30 min. – and we can guarantee, you will see the difference almost immediately.

Your skin will be grateful for your loving care and will reward you by looking refreshed, revitalized, and radiant.

Love the skin you are in, Home Healers 🙂

Dr. Irina

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