DOVE scenar to nest in Holland

A very exiting news: our little DOVE scenar found a new home in Holland!

Remember that story of a “heel spur miracle cure” that our Dutch friend Louis Spoelstra told you several months ago? Well, Louis and his son Arjan got their own DOVE scenar at that time and have been very successfully treating their friends and family in their home town Bladel, Holland.

So successfully, in fact, that they generated quite an interest in their community. Louis and Arjan, being successful business people and marketers, immediately saw the opportunity – and off we go, soon a new company was formed, the webpage was up, and the first workshop took place in Bladel.

The new venture is called PijnKwijt (which, as we’ve been told, means “stop pain” in Dutch). The new website, as you can guess, is – and you are welcome to visit; there are some great testimonials there (it is in Dutch though :-).

We wish our Dutch friends and colleagues a great success in their new venture.  We also wish them to achieve results in their SCENAR therapy similar to Dr. Yuri’s SCENAR Therapy results – a golden standard of SCENAR.

Dr. Irina and the HealthBoss/Mediscen Team

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