Chronic Stress Protocol (ANS Balancing) with SCENAR

ANS Balancing ProtocolThe topic of CHRONIC STRESS and the ways to deal with it Home Healer-style is a reoccurring theme in our communication – and there is a good reason for that.

There is nothing more detrimental to your health than the habitual Chronic Stress that sneaks up on you as a silent killer. And the worst part is, we often don’t even realize that we are under attack until it’s too late.

We’ve been bringing this issue to your attention several times in the past explaining the nature of chronic stress, the ways to determine if you are in it, and your options for dealing with it. You can read the series of articles HERE.

We’ve also created the ANS (Autonomic Nervous System) Balancing Protocol for the Healing FUSION devices and made a DVD out of it several years ago.

Recently I did a live program on the topic at the SCENAR conference in Australia, with a “crash course” on Chronic Stress and the updated version of the protocol. Below is the full recording of the program.

The whole video is 1,5 hour long. Watch it all or only some parts of it, or don’t watch it at all (I realize how busy you are – which, incidentally, contributes to your Chronic Stress) – as long as you remember to use your Healing FUSION tools to balance you ANS on a regular basis, I will consider my mission accomplished.

On the other hand, I’ve got a really positive feedback about the program from the conference participants,, and I would love for you to have the similar experience.

What I would love for you even better though is to have a stress-free life. I know, I know, it is not possible with our overwhelming ever-growing responsibilities, hectic lifestyle, and information overload… So I am offering you the next best thing – the use of the Healing FUSION tools for restoring the body balance, quickly and naturally.

To your stress-free life, Home Healers.

Dr. Irina

CLICK IMAGE to Download Your REPORTP.S. The Australian program was focused on SCENAR (in particular, the Bio-SCENAR, the Australian version of the RITMSCENAR), since it was the SCENAR conference. The presented protocol, however, is applicable to any type of SCENAR and COSMODIC devices and can and should be enhanced with the use of the Resonating Low Level Laser.

And if you ask what is our favorite device for ANS Balancing – it’s the DOVE scenar (no, not even the EX735Ag Slider x2 – the DOVE scenar). Click on the image on the left to download the written Report on the topic to find out why.

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