“The Brain Cross” Protocol with COSMODIC

brain blueDid you notice that often the simplest things in life are the best?

This is just the case with some recently developed Healing FUSION Protocols that we have been studying over the last year or so. One of these Protocols is called “The Brain Cross”, and I wanted to tell you about it in detail because its efficiency for the widest spectrum of applications is quite surprising even to us – and we’ve seen a lot of pretty amazing things over the years.

It all started when a stress reduction specialist and a wonderful energy healer from LA, CA Nicole Pigeault introduced her Ear-Brain Balancing with the EX735Ag Slider x2. After working with this technique for awhile we have expanded it to incorporate a couple of steps that made logical sense – and the result exceeded our most ambitious expectations.

Here is a brief list of conditions that “The Brain Cross” is working very well for – and we know more will be added when we study it more.

  • Insomnia and sleep disturbances;
  • Low energy;
  • Absentmindedness, bad memory, and memory loss;
  • Stress and anxiety;
  • Headaches and migraines;
  • Depression, mood swings, PMS;
  • Vertigo;
  • Tinnitus;
  • Middle and inner ear disorders;
  • Vision disturbances, especially the ones caused by poor blood circulation;
  • Sinus problems;
  • PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder);
  • “Disconnectedness”, loss of purpose;
  • “Writer’s block”;
  • Lack of creativity, imagination, and inspiration;
  • Addictions;
  • Premature aging.

I could go on, but I think that’s enough, for now, to show you just how powerful this simple technique is. We don’t have the reported results yet as for “The Brain Cross” effectiveness for serious central nervous system disorders that affect the brain, such as MS, Parkinson’s, or Alzheimer’s. We could only speculate that it should have a positive impact on these debilitating conditions as well – and some others.

“The Brain Cross” is the Protocol for COSMODIC devices with shungite attachments, and it can be enhanced with the QLaser application, but you cannot do it with just the QLaser alone.

Here is the Protocol.

  1. Connect the 12mm shungite mini-spheres to your COSMODIC device. Turn the devices on and set the energy level on lowest in COMSODIC mode (if you can choose the mode) or in an AUTO mode. You can start on the low energy level and slightly increase it with time if you so desire, but remember that the COSMODIC influence does not have to be strong in order to be powerful.
  2. Brain Cross - halfDo the Ear-Brain Balancing by using 12mm shungite mini-spheres inside the ear canals. The Shungites do not have to be inserted too far into the ear canal and block it like earplugs. Just a gentle touch will suffice. Let the device DOSE – or, if it Doses too fast, let it work for 2-3 min. Now reverse the shungites and do another Dose (mini-spheres have different polarity).
  3. Re-position the mini-spheres: one on the Third Eye point and another one on the very base of the skull, in the C1 (the Atlas) projection. Do another Dose or another 2-3 min. – then reverse the shungites and do another Dose (or another 2-3 min.)

That’s all for the basic technique. There, however, maybe a few ADD-ONs, for higher efficiency.

  1. We recommend that you spend a few more minutes to additionally work on the 6 points on the face: the points of Trigeminal nerve branches exits on the face, as used in the classical SCENAR Protocol “3 Pathways 6 Points”. The video below demonstrates how to find them (it actually shows you 7 points that we use for the protocol, but the 7th point, the Third Eye point, you’ve already done in the previous step).

7 points on the faceThe video is showing you how to work on the points with the COSMODIC devices alone. You can do that, of course, but remember that you have the shungite mini-spheres – a great attachment to work on the points. You can work on two points at a time: on each pair of the 6 simultaneously, or consecutively in the following order (points are numbered as per the classical 3P6P Protocol): 1-2; 2-3; 3-4; 4-5; 5-6; 6-1. Don’t forget to reverse the mini-spheres on each pair of points.

  1. If you have the QLaser, by all means, use it on Mode 2 on the Third Eye point, on the base of the skull, on the temples, and on the top of the head (the Crown chakra). The 660 and 808 Enhancers can be used on the base of the skull, positioning them in a way that the light beam goes across towards the Third Eye point (along the line connecting the C1 (Atlas) and the Third eye).

As you can see, the Protocol is extremely simple. Nevertheless, it is very powerful. The influence of this technique on our vision, hearing, and cranial circulation is easily understood because it is direct (it directly affects the anatomical structures responsible for these functions). More puzzling is “The Brain Cross” strong effect on our mental, emotional and even spiritual being. We speculate that it is achieved due to the COSMODIC signal reaching the hypothalamus and the pituitary and pineal glands (otherwise very difficult to reach) thus triggering the release of much needed for our “top performance”, youthfulness, joyfulness, and awareness neurohormones, including the “youth hormones” melatonin and HGH.

Of course, more research is needed to find out exactly WHY it works, but I would suggest, don’t wait for it – just use the Protocol and enjoy the benefits. There is no better proof than PERSONAL proof.

To Your Health and Happiness,

Dr. Irina

P.S. Please note that there are probably many other conditions beyond the listed above that “The Brain Cross” can help a lot; we just do not have the reported results on them yet – hence, we are not listing them. Try – and let us know your discoveries so that we can share them with all Home Healers. Or better yet, publish them yourself in the Comments section below 🙂

P.P.S. To the very important question of CONTRAINDICATIONS to the EBB and the Brain Cross techniques. We would suggest NOT using them if a client has epilepsy or any other condition that can cause seizures – just in case. And, of course, we stay away from brain tumors, diagnosed aneurysms, and any acute brain inflammations.

Here is also a warning that we’ve received from Shelia Kuhn, SEP, CN, a wonderful practitioner in Newport Beach, CA, USA. That’s what she wrote.

“I recently did some work on a client with my Cosmodic Slider and two of the protocols we used were the Brain Cross and the Ear-Brain Balance.  He reported that after doing that work for a couple of weeks, his dyslexia was worse.  I didn’t even know he had that condition as he had done a lot of work earlier in life.  So, he reported that he had difficulty reading out loud and reading in general, which he hadn’t had since he was younger.  It took several weeks for that to improve.  Any idea what was going on?”

Here is my reply.

“I think, what was happening with your client is that dyslexia usually involves a serious “rewiring” of the brain in order to function. Hence, the wiring of a “dyslexic brain” is not quite the same of a “normal” one. COSMODIC would motivate the brain to become “normal” – and that would involve “rewiring” again, which would, of course, bring some of the symptoms back.

From here, there are two scenarios: either you stop therapy and the brain goes back into its habitual compensatory state of the altered wiring (which what your client did) – or you continue therapy and after a while there is a chance of the brain to become “as it should be”, without dyslexia. We, however, do not know how long it may take, what the journey involves, and how positive the outcome may be. That just has never been done. Hence, a client needs to be really motivated in order to take that risk.”

Therefore, let’s consider dyslexia a relative contraindication to EBB and the Brain Cross (that means, you still can use the techniques, but beware that it may cause some trouble).





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