© by Dr. Irina Kossovskaia, 2009
It is my pleasure to introduce you to COSMODIC ® – the first energy healing technology that is capable of helping you not only heal but REGENERATE. COSMODIC ® promotes restoration on a cellular level, making your body even stronger than it was before a disease or injury occurred.
COSMODIC ® is the latest in the evolution of SCENAR (SKENAR) technology, which was developed by a brilliant Russian scientist, Dr. Alexander Karasev, in the mid-80s for the Russian Space Research Program. SCENAR was intended to help the Russian cosmonauts maintain their health while in space.
Nowadays dozens of models of devices incorporating this early SCENAR (SKENAR) technology are sold all over the world. We call them ‘first-generation SCENARs’. Although they are very effective healing tools, they remain at the same level of technological development as the basic SCENARs of the last century.
The 21st century has brought us the new and very exciting COSMODIC ® technology, which is also a brainchild of Dr. Alexander Karasev. We call COSMODIC ® devices the ‘second-generation SCENARs’.
COSMODIC ® devices, by their very nature, are extremely sophisticated electronic tools. Yet, they are very easy to use: simply apply COSMODIC ® to the spot that hurts – and leave it there letting it do the job. This way, COSMODIC ® devices can be easily used by anyone, anywhere, and for virtually anything that needs healing and regeneration.
SCENAR (SKENAR) and COSMODIC ® are holistic in nature; they are energy-healing technologies that align and strengthen the natural healing system of the human body. In doing this, they promote fast recovery from a wide variety of maladies, from simple colds and bruises to autoimmune diseases and degenerative disorders.
Even though both SCENAR (SKENAR) and COSMODIC ® use low-frequency electrical stimulation, COSMODIC ® is a much better listener than SCENAR; it has 46 feedback channels against only 1 channel in the SCENAR. This allows coordination of active impulses of the device with the wide spectrum of the body’s reactions and not just the electrical resistance of skin (or impedance).

This ability of COSMODIC ® to receive and process large quantities of information from the body, determines a new quality of its impulses, which has now become more regulating than stimulating. Multidimensional and rich in information COSMODIC ® signals now come in bundles (called adaptive regulatory bundles), which are capable of both stimulating as well as sedating the body processes, thereby, mimicking the functions of the CNS (Central Nervous System).

Instead of challenging the body to respond, as SCENAR does, COSMODIC ® carefully listens to the body and uses microresonances to tune into and amplify the body’s healing efforts. Unlike SCENAR, which ‘adds to pain’, COSMODIC ® directly ‘adds to healing’.
COSMODIC ® works practically like a skillful coach collecting a lot of data, building a mathematical model of the body healing reactions as they are – and as they should be, and then gently and tactfully guiding the body to its best performance in healing and REGENERATION.
It uses both central and local mechanisms to wake up and enhance the inherent capacity of our body to recover and rejuvenate on a cellular level, just like the CNS does. In this process, the body can even become stronger than it was at the pre-injury or pre-disease stage.
In other words, COSMODIC ® is not only a better listener than SCENAR, it is also a better ‘talker’ and a ‘diplomat’ with a very sophisticated signal that is taking healing to a new level helping the body to recover fully, i.e., actually REGENERATE.
Due to the conceptual differences, the first and the second generation SCENARs (or SCENAR (SKENAR) and COSMODIC ® devices) require different treatment approaches and a different methodology.
COSMODIC ® technology is represented by a series of energy healing devices, all manufactured by LET Medical research laboratory in Russia led by Dr. Alexander Karasev.
They range from little personal devices, such as the C-DOVE and the COSMODIC 705SCENAR, to semi-professional and professional models, such as the COSMODIC 715Ag and EX735Ag. The EX735 model is the latest and the most sophisticated SCENAR on the market today, which combines both SCENAR and COSMODIC ® technologies in one dual-processor unit.
COSMODIC ® is a really fascinating technology and, in my personal opinion, almost ‘an artificial intelligence’ and a step towards that famous ‘Star Trek Healing Device’.
The word ‘COSMODIC’® derives from the word ‘COSMOS’, and to me it makes total sense. Strengthening the healing reactions of the body, re-training adaptation, cleaning cellular memory and reminding the body how to heal and regenerate as in its original design – all these increase the level of systemic coherence, restoring our connection to the much bigger whole, which we are all a part of.
Cosmos is living and intelligent, and Coherent Energy Technologies (CET) like SCENAR (SKENAR) and COSMODIC ® just heal our self-inflicted separation from it. As we close this gap, all magic and power of the Universe will start working for us creating healing miracles every step of the way. And maybe in this process we can finally find out what is that we were created for – and what does it mean to be human…
So, get yourself a COSMODIC ® device – and find out on your own.
Dr. Irina Kossovskaia, MD, PhD, DNM
SCENAR (SKENAR) as a new field of medical science and as a unique phenomenon is constantly growing and evolving. It’s evolution is being pioneered by LET Medical Research Laboratory in Russia led by Dr. Alexander Karasev – the original inventor of SCENAR (SKENAR) and COSMODIC ®.
GO HERE to see the array of the newest SCENAR and COSMODIC ® devices.
These sophisticated and intelligent machines more and more resemble the famous Star Trek healing device… What it is going to be 5-10 years down the road? 🙂 Stay tuned…