It’s been very exciting to witness the SCENAR Evolution over the past twenty years – the evolution of the technology as close to the Star Trek Healing Device as it was possible on the rise of the second millennium. (Click on the image on the left to download the “SCENAR Evolution” PDF.)
For the past several years the SCENAR COSMODIC Hybrid EX735 Slider manufactured by LET Medical holds the top position on the SCENAR evolutionary tree. This is The Best SCENAR Yet and The One That Has It All. It is mysteriously intelligent and amazingly effective and makes its lucky owners proud. The Rolls Royce Phantom of SCENARs.
Nonetheless, it is not quite the Star Trek machine yet, and the inquisitive minds of our Home Healers keep bombarding us with questions, “What’s next? What is LET Medical working on? Are we there yet?”
I recently informally interviewed Dr. Alexander Karasev, the SCENAR designer and the head of LET Medical Research Lab, asking him the very same questions. It is never easy to pull information out of Dr. Karasev, although what I managed to find out amazed and thrilled me at the same time, and I couldn’t wait to share it with you (unfortunately, the information I can share is limited due to the ongoing nature of research).
No, we are not quite there yet, but there is a major quantum jump in the research on the way, and we may see practical results as early as the spring of next year. That quantum jump has influenced the entire LET Medical marketing strategy, which will now look as follows.
LET Medical will not be releasing more new models of the most sophisticated COSMODIC devices to the market; they will keep the Slider x2 as the their top model for years to come. Instead, they will be introducing various ADD-ONs to the Slider, multiple clever attachments-modules serving various purposes, small intelligent satellites to the “Slider mother ship” that you can purchase one-by-one, combine and alternate.
(NOTE: that does not mean that LET Medical is abandoning their other popular models of COSMODIC devices; they will keep improving them – and they are expanding their line of remote silver attachments. It’s their top model Slider x2 that the new strategy applies to.)
When I say “clever” and “intelligent”, that’s exactly what I mean. These are not going to be merely your usual passive remote electrodes/attachments of different shapes to be used on the different parts of the body. These are going to be attachments “with brains”, and they do not have names yet.
The first one has a tentative name DX (or “Device X”). The working prototypes are on the picture (I hope I won’t get slapped for posting it :-)). There are the DX-uno and the DX-duo.

DX-uno is single-module therapeutic unit that has 6 silver buttons as electrodes. The DX-uno will be dynamically moving the Slider impulse between electrodes depending on the “here and now” local assessment that it automatically performs. As you know, the Small Asymmetry moves around along with changes in the “energy cyst” of the pathology it represents. The DX-uno will be automatically “chasing” the Small Asymmetry thus substantially increasing the efficiency of therapy. Another step towards “SCENAR therapy on autopilot”.

DX-duo is even more interesting. It is not only therapeutic, but also a diagnostic unit consisting of two modules that in a split second will show you on a graphic display which part of your body has a structural or functional (neurological) damage and therefore needs help.
The assessment principle is absolutely unique and moves us to the area of informational medicine (the one that deals with Informational Matrix of our being). The clever DX-duo will test the body reactions to the super-weak influences; the ones that the conscious mind ignores and only the body’s intelligence notices. Then the device will mathematically analyze the responses, quantify them, and determine which part of the body right now is screaming SOS. The result will be transmitted and displayed on the Slider x2 screen.

The entire process is more mathematics than anything else and very accurate since it goes almost unnoticed by the body and the body’s defensive reactions do not distort the results.
After the diagnostics is complete, you can treat the suffering areas with the Slider x2 itself, the DX-uno, or the DX-duo. The latter treats also “with a twist”: the therapeutic influence will be “mirrored” by the two symmetrical modules of the device. Imagine how effective it can be along the spine…
The DX will be the first in a series of the “clever” attachments that Dr. Karasev is planning to build around the EX735Ag Slider x2. There will be other modules with different purposes that can be used separately or eventually all be combined as LEGO in one space-age electronic therapeutic complex that does not have a name yet either. Some kind of a healing transformer with artificial intelligence…
Is that exciting or what? The future is NOW.
Aren’t you glad you are living it?
Dr. Irina
P.S. The information that you just read has not been released nowhere yet – it is still in the research phase. We, however, may see the DX-uno being released to the market as early as the spring of 2016 followed in 4-5 months by the DX-duo, although the devices will probably have different names then 🙂
I will keep you posted, of course.