© Dr. Irina Kossovskaia
Originally posted on OneMedicine newsgroup (December 2004)

…On the issue of cancer. I wish I had the answer… I wish, I could say ‘Do so and so – and the problem will be resolved’. But I don’t have the universal answer, the one that would work for everybody, and the best I can offer is the concept, that needs to be processed through the filter of an individual experience in order to determine the correct approach in every particular situation. Cancer is as individual and unique as a person who is experiencing it.

From a point of view of Systemic Interactive Medicine and SCENAR therapy, almost all diseases in a human body are diseases of adaptation, happening due to malfunction of the system of adaptation and a slow speed of general and/or local adaptive reactions.

Cancer is different. In a way, it may be called a ‘disease of regulation’. Cancer cells are not alien objects in the body, it is the body’s own young undifferentiated material that suppose to mature into a particular tissue. Our tissues have inherent capacity and tendency to grow, it is only the systemic integrative control that slows down or stops the growth. In a way, every moment in time many little cancers are about to be developed in our body out of the ‘overproduced’ tissue material, but the well-regulated system suppresses the growth it time to get just what the body needs – and not more. This is IF the system gets information about the overproduction. But what if it doesn’t?

It can happen if the regulatory mechanisms of the body and its informational processes are not functioning properly. The body is blissfully unaware of the uncontrollable growth until it becomes big enough to affect some of the bodily functions. By that time it is usually too late to regain control. The tumor becomes a strong self-sufficient energy parasite, consuming any energy it can reach and using it to continue to grow – that’s the only purpose the young tissue knows and lives for, it is programmed for it. (That is why we typically avoid using the SCENAR directly on the tumor, unless it is a skin cancer). At this point the body in most cases is just not strong enough to suppress cancer.

The more advanced is the process the weaker becomes the body, being robbed of energy, and the less chances it has to put the situation under control. Finally cancer kills the host – and dies along with it. The destiny of a typical parasite.

What follows is that our activity as practitioners, as well as client’s efforts, should be directed primarily towards strengthening the whole system, increasing the level of its awareness, and improving self-regulation, even though direct suppression of a tumor also helps (if it doesn’t in turn affect the rest of the body). The challenge is to help the system recognize the cancer and become strong enough to regain control over it.

There are different ways of strengthening the system, and the choice of utilized practices, techniques, and modalities will depend on a particular situation. For example, for one of my clients with a very vivid imagination, the key to conquer the terminal ovarian cancer became a visualization technique. In her mind, she pictured her cancerous cells (which she saw under the microscope) – and the healthy ovarian tissue she found in a medical textbook, saying to herself “I want MY cells look like THAT”. She won.

With regards to SCENAR therapy, all techniques addressing general adaptive reactions are recommended (treating the areas of general regulation) either in Subjective or Objective mode, with emphasis on the areas related to a particular cancer. For example, in the case of a breast cancer (which is always hormonally-dependent) you would probably want to address gynecological area on low abdomen, low back as the frontal symmetry, and neck and shoulders as the maximal opposite symmetry. Use of the Solaris Blanket is particularly good to even the energy distribution and increase the body’s awareness.

Obviously, the earlier the process is found and treatments started, the bigger are chances for success. We have a very good success rate with SCENAR therapy for basilar skin cancer, because it is one of the least aggressive cancers and typically is found early enough. The most difficult to deal with is leukemia.

But the question remains: why did the body lose its self-regulative capacity in the first place?

In many situations, unless this question is answered, it is not possible to convince the body to start seeing cancer and dealing with it. The answer is unique for every client. Of course, there are environmental issues, EM fields, air, water and food pollution (for ex., in my opinion, everyone in North America is estrogen-intoxicated because of the content of the food), drugs etc. But more often, the answer lies in the area of human emotions and in a belief system. Mind over matter…

For many women with breast cancer the core issue is the deep dissatisfaction and frustration in the area of male-female or female-child relations. As a practitioner, you have a very limited influence here. It is up to a client to deal with the issue – but it is up to you to ‘put a mirror’ in front of your client and show her where the problem lies. And if after that she will be able to re-assess her life, change the belief system, raise the level of consciousness and adjust her attitude for more peaceful, more harmonious life (which sometimes requires a quite drastic lifestyle change), the chances to overcome cancer are much better. Mind over matter…

Some of my clients were telling me that their cancer was their best teacher, that otherwise they would never become the person they became, they would never meet so many wonderful people and never have so many amazing life experiences. Their cancer made happier people out of them… Winners, not victims. Positive thinkers. Philosophers, living in the ‘here and now’ and valuing every moment of their gift of life. They took their condition as a challenge, not as a death sentence, as something to deal with, to learn and grow from. One of the lady’s wouldn’t even say “I have cancer”, she’d say “I am cancering”, emphasizing that this is a process, not a state. ‘Process’ is ever-changing and dynamic and can be easier reversed than a ‘state’. To me, it makes perfect sense.

Turn to the world to come back to yourself – maybe, that is the recipe. Get rid of your fears and open yourself to the world to find in this awesome mirror who and what you are, to become wholesome, find internal peace, receive guidance and assistance – the Universe will provide it for you, and maybe even give you back your healthy body.

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