
In the early 1970`s, new methods of treatment started filtering through to the Soviet Union. These mainly were methods of ancient oriental medicine — reflexotherapy (needle reflexotherapy, acupuncture), which was then known as zhen-jui method.

Reflexotherapy (as you can see from the term) is a part of the treatment concept based on the principle of reflex — the most universal mechanism of nervous activity.

One of the main reasons why this method of treatment became so poplar was that it allowed treating diseases without medications or significantly reducing the use of medications.

Another important thing here is that with professional treatment there are no side-effects, while most medications cause them.

Such approach is only successful when applied by professional acupuncturists, but even in this case it does not guarantee 100% result. Self-treatment is, of course, out of the question.

Using reflex mechanisms for self-treatment is a very good idea. And it can be used for treatment of nearly all diseases. As any irritation is transmitted in our body in the form of nerve (electrical) impulses, it should be possible to make a universal “electrical” pill, why not? That is what Alexander Karasev was thinking about in 1972.


The first model for practical use.
Casing was made of ABS plastic sheet, glued with dichloroethane and decorated with leatherette.
Two slide controls — “energy” and “frequency”.
Electrode was round-shaped, coaxial. Detachable!!!
Indication: one LED displaying action energy level.
Power supply: built-in accumulators.


This model was already made with digital chips.
Analog controls for energy and frequency regulation were replaced with two buttons — “increase” and “decrease” of energy level and the frequency was set with discrete switches with binary coding. The initial frequency could be increased from 1 to 16 times as much.
For the casing of this device two parts of the electric shaver “Mikma” casing were taken and joined together.


First modification

Casing: painted plastic, faceplate — sandblasted aluminium (the same idea is now implemented in products of Apple Inc.).
Multistep control of the action energy with “up” and “down” buttons.
Indication: one LED displaying action energy level.
Frequency was set with binary code (1, 2, 4, 8). “Depth” change switch.
Electrode was cylindrical, coaxial, detachable. The device had socket enabling connection of remote electrode.
Power supply: built-in accumulators.


Second modification

Casing was made of ebonite.
Electrode was coaxial, square (or better say, rectangular shape), non-detachable.
All the rest remained the same as in the first modification .



The most successful model of all times and generations.

Casing was made of ebonite and assembled without a single screw. Faceplate — sandblasted aluminium.

Electrode: coaxial, rectangular shape (the rectangle had such good proportion of the sides that is still copied in all devices). This device had one more type of electrodes — “paravertebral” — in the form of two plates made of stainless steel. At the same time they served as locks of the casing. Socket for remote electrode became smaller.

Energy regulation: slide control, with “up” and “down” buttons. Two LEDs indicated energy and frequency. The frequency was set with digital binary code (like in ENS-02). Four different levels of “depth”. Time of stimulation and pause interval are also set with binary code, similarly to frequency.

Power supply: silver-zinc galvanic cells from military satellite-born systems. They could supply power to the device during 10 years of home use.

The most unique thing about this device is that it was assembled with three small-scale integration circuits — three inverters in one chip. And 96 diodes!


The same model but with simplified operating control system — it had less switches.



The first device named SCENAR. It was developed for serial production at the “Priboy” factory (Taganrog). The casing was milled out of one solid piece of Plexiglas. The casing was 0.7–1.5 mm thick and bent in the region of the electrode to make it more convenient to use. This was full imitation of molded plastic. In fact, this casing was much better than the real plastic one which would be made later.

Electrode: coaxial, rectangular, with little “bumps” on the surface to provide better contact of the electrode with skin on the hairy areas.

Digital multistep control of energy with “up” and “down” buttons. This device had only two frequencies of action which could be selected with the buttons. Two LEDs indicated energy level and frequency.

New switch — switched on pauses to make expert evaluation.

Power supply: built-in accumulator was charged from solar batteries which were developed specially for this device — one silicon wafer produced 15V instead of usual 0.4V!

Т4-01 «Lhotse»


Back in Krasnodar times Alexander Karasev started mountain climbing (the Caucasus was nearby). He could not pass over his fellow climbers. Frostbites, hypoxia, ultraviolet burns or any disease in the mountains can be a catastrophe. Specially for them, he made one and only device — SCENAR T4-01 “Lhotse” powered by solar battery. This is the first device which was taken to the mountains and was used during expedition to Lhotse (Nepal). Even the casing was made by Alexander Karasev himself on the milling machine.

Casing was milled out of one solid piece of vinyl plastic and sealed up.

This device had only remote electrode.

Energy regulation: digital, multistep, with “up” and “down” buttons. Button for switching the “depth”, button for switching the frequency.

Three LEDs displayed energy, frequency, and battery charging status. Plus LCD indicator — it showed energy and expert evaluation.

Power supply: built-in accumulator charging from the solar battery.



The casing was milled out of one solid piece of aluminium. It was so robust that could be used as defence against racketeering, in case of need.

All the rest was the same as in T4-01.

This device was specially designed for use at medical cooperative institutions.



In this modification we took into account all “advantages” of soviet manufacturing (one should not make bent casings, very dense mounting, little “bumps” on the electrodes and electrodes of such complicated shape and many other “should not’s”).

Casing was made of ABS plastic with straight section line between the upper and lower parts of the casing.

Electrodes were reduced to three metal strips (“three pathways”).

Buttons relocated from the side to the top of the casing. All the rest operating controls remained the same.

Power supply: replaceable accumulator which could be charged from both solar battery and charging unit.

In 1992 production of SCENAR-032 was launched at Scientific Production Enterprise “PROTON” (Pyatigorsk).

Final tuning and testing of each device was performed by the developer — “LET Medical” Research Lab.

Each device was supplied with Test Certificate issued by “LET Medical” together with the User’s Guide.



This is a modification of the 032 , which was made specially for serial production at “ARKAIM” enterprise (Essentuki).

Solar batteries were removed, power supply became replaceable — one galvanic cell, size AA.

Absolutely all devices of this series were tuned by Alexander Karasev personally… as well as all other devices produced up to now.

At the stage of development procedures the device was called SCENAR-031. On 11th November 1992 Commission of the Committee for New Medical Equipment after reviewing materials provided by “LET Medical” Research Lab for Neuroadaptive Electrostimulator SCENAR-031 recommended changing the name of the device to “Regulator of psychosomatic homeostasis SCENAR-035”

However, after final review of the documents in 1993 the Commission decided to get back to the previous definition — “Neuroadaptive electrostimulator SCENAR-035”


Professional model


Casing was made of carbon-filled plastic.

To improve the action, output stages were placed in the remote electrode. This is the first device which was built completely with digital components — over 100 microcircuits of SSI and MSI level.

Digital LCD display, multistep regulation of energy and frequency. Mulstistep control of the action “depth” was implemented for the first time in this device. Remote electrode had two output stages. Two paravertebral electrodes in the form of two plates on the under side of the casing of the remote electrode, like in ENS-03. Appearance of the device was designed by Alexander Karasev, he modeled it within 2 hours.

In modification 513М we made first attempts to implement different types of action: S1 (SCENAR) and S2 (which will become COSMODIC later).

Power supply: built-in accumulators and built-in all-mains charger.



First device for personal use.

Casing was the same as in the remote electrode of the 513.

This device was built completely with digital components, which were mounted very densely on the circuit board.

Only energy level and frequency could be regulated.

Power supply: built-in accumulator, built-in charger, charging from power adapter.



Casing: ABS plastic, “Teko” company (Italy).

The device is built on two LSI’s made by “Intel”. One LSI was responsible for action, the other — for expert evaluation.

Indication: LEDs displayed energy level, action mode, and expert evaluation. Two action modes — continuous and intermittent.

Power supply: replaceable galvanic cells or accumulators, size AA.



This is a modification of the 611, but now it is built with one LSI (again “Intel”) of larger capacity. This provided the device with its famous “indestructibility” and robustness.

The socket for connection of remote electrodes which was implemented in this device became a standard for all other manufacturers.



This is neither modification of the 611 or the 612, though casing is the same.

Two output stages with automatic switch-over.

Two-line character LCD-display showed all operating modes and expert evaluation. This is the first device where expert evaluation was displayed on LCD indicator.

Power supply: built-in rechargeable accumulator (recharged automatically from the replaceable accumulators and mostly served as backup battery, i. e. the device would work even if the replaceable accumulators were down or taken out). Basic accumulators were replaceable — two galvanic cells or rechargeable batteries, size AA.



The first casing from OKW company, ABS plastic.

This is the smallest device ever produced before. No one had ever made a device smaller than this. It is a smaller copy of the 612. The same LSI but in a smaller size casing.

Power supply was special: galvanic cells of size N.



Another special. The only one. This device was built specially for leprosarium — the only one in the country. To enhance the treatment effect it had two devices, which worked simultaneously with galvanic isolation between them. But the invention was not in vain. The effect of two devices was remembered later, in 2007.

This SCENAR was designed specially for treatment of leprosy. It consisted of two devices, both the 612 , and a special processor which enabled their joint operation.

Casing: shockproof plastic.

It had only remote electrodes.

Power supply: two sets of high-power elements — 4 accumulators for each device and built-in charger.



Casing OKW, “Smart” series.
This is the longest-developed device. Its modification required 7 years. And 7 versions.
Electrodes: new — made of Zepter stainless steel.
This device has pseudographic LCD-display.


automatic “depth” and COSMODIC action mode
touch switch-on
three-level expert evaluation and action dosing (doctors called it “little turtle” — when it crawls to the edge of the indicator the dose is completed)
EPLD’s are combined with microcontrollers. EPLD allowed quick spectral processing of the biofeedback signals and microcontroller provided displaying and control of the device.

Power supply: became standard for devices of “LET medical” — 2 galvanic cells or rechargeable batteries, size AA.



The 603 series continued in this device, in the same casing. From the 603 it inherited the casing, and all the rest was taken from the 713.

Unusual electrodes: two types of coaxial electrodes — small electrode at the front end of the device and bigger electrode on the underside.

Power supply: the same as in the 603.



More compact casing, OKW, “Smart” series.
Front-end mounted electrode, made of Zepter stainless steel.
The device is built on one EPLD.
LED indication.
Power supply: 2 galvanic cells or rechargeable batteries, size AAА.



Professional device which is implementing combined technology of treatment SCENAR-COSMODIC.

Continued modification of the 735 series. This device had electrodes made of pure silver, in the form of “sleigh runners”, which later would become detachable. All output characteristics were changed and COSMODIC technology was improved. All the rest remained as in the previous 735.



Analog of the 713 but in the “Pocket” series casing, OKW.

Electrodes are unusual — in the form of three bent plates, looking like sleigh runners. Again made of Zepter stainless steel. The front-end part of the electrodes allowed working on small areas and the part of the electrodes placed on the underside of the casing allowed to lie on them during prolonged treatment. Flat casing was used specially for that.

Power supply: 2 galvanic cells or rechargeable batteries, size AA.



Cheap version of the 705, which was developed specially for production at the “Priboy” factory, Taganrog.



Casing like in the 713, “Smart” series, OKW.

New — OLED display. Now it is graphic, gray-shade. First attempts to build in the electronic reference book. The first device which has only COSMODIC technology. It was implemented in full and provided with automatic energy and “depth” regulations required for that.

Touch switch-on, like in the 735 — switches on when you touch the electrodes.

The first model where the electrodes of the device switch off automatically when the remote electrode is connected. To be able to work on mucous membranes with rectal and vaginal electrodes, special impulse was developed. When the rectal or vaginal electrode is connected, the device switches over to this impulse automatically.

Power supply: galvanic cells or rechargeable batteries, size AAA.



Casing OKW, “Pocket” series — the same as in the previous 705, but a bit smaller, to fit in the hand better.

Electrodes — built-in “sleigh runners” made of Zepter stainless steel.

Touch switch-on, automatic regulation of action energy.

Sound indication can be switched off.



This device is similar to the 705, but cannot be connected to remote electrodes and does not have special mode for action on mucous membranes.

Two built-in coaxial electrodes — small and big, made of Zepter stainless steel.

035М (MyoScen)


““MyoScen” L.L.C., Voronezh
Special in everything. In spite of the name 035M, it is not a successor of any previous device.
Casing was made specially for this device — home-made design and manufacture.
Output stage is like it was in ENS-03 but upgraded. The name followed from it too — 035M.
The whole electronic block is implemented on one custom-made EPLD.
This device was developed taking into account minimal manufacturing costs. Therefore requirements for quality and effect of treatment were understated.
Power supply: special — 2 galvanic cells 3V each, like in cameras.
Abroad this device is mostly known as The D.O.V.E.



To be able to use silver electrodes in this model, output characteristics were changed. The silver electrodes are detachable — “sleigh runners”.

Added: automatic switch-over to the special impulse for action on mucous membranes with rectal and vaginal electrodes.

All the rest characteristics are identical to the PS705 with steel electrodes.



Two output stages in this device are not the most important feature, like was in the 513. In this device we reconsidered the approach to the work of biological feedbacks. Now it is based on an absolutely new principle — forecasting instead of copying. This allows the device to be ahead of the body reaction and significantly speed up the recovery.

Modific EX735Ag


Global Financial Crisis.
Money disappeared.
And we have made the most expensive and most advanced EX735Ag Modific.

At first, there were just 3 experimental models. We have tested them and got unbelievable and very quick results. The quickest was improvement of condition in 10 seconds of action. That’s an unbroken record so far. Then there was a limited edition of 20 Modifics, by special order. And then it became the most popular and most often ordered model, in spite of all the crises. That we did not expect. And no one would.

Modific became Slider


We have developed anew the EX735Ag device, which raised the standards of efficiency for professional devices to a much higher level: this is the first time we give the body exactly what it “asks” for — we have implemented a “sliding” technology where the acting impulse is “sliding” in and between SCENAR and COSMODIC ranges, in a fully automatic mode.

“Sliding” technology not just provides correct approach to treatment, but makes it a high-precision one. And enlarges treatment capabilities a lot.

The new device became also known as “Slider”.

Upgraded EX715Ag


The device was positioned as “amazing but not easy to love” (it caused two polar emotions — either loved or not) and was known as “a device for women”.

By the end of 2012 we presented a new upgraded version.

The upgrade included implementation of the latest developments which before were only used in professional models. New action technologies allow providing most beneficial effect on inner organs and nervous system. And well-known rejuvenation effect is now enhanced due to the use of the device together with vaginal and rectal electrode probes.

We simplified operation, left only 3 most optimal action modes, implemented a new system of COSMODIC action with microresonances. Now the device has new and easier to understand representation of the action on the screen. Construction durability was also enhanced.

We all try to treat the disease… but we never fancy that there is another way of recovery — we can rejuvenate the body and ipso facto get rid of diseases. This is the main task which the new 715 model is performing.

EX735Ag Slider x2


History develops in spiral and our technology is evolving the same way.

Two years later we have the famous Slider, but… twice as more complicated and, at the same time, simpler.

Now it has 4 ranges for the acting impulse to “slide” within and between and covers the whole spectrum of the low-frequency signals emitted by the body.

Simultaneous action through 2 channels with each of them being tuned individually.

Two times as many action modes — 16 modes instead of 8 (in professional version).

Now you can work simultaneously with 2 remote electrodes or with a remote electrode and electrode of the device, including vaginal/rectal electrode probes and the electrodes of the device.

And this can replace 2 professional devices at a time and allows working on two symmetrical areas consistently or individually. And this speeds up recovery.

Only 2 operating controls — the button and the scroll switch, which enable quick and easy access to the most important settings.

Being able to adjust the display for 2 — left-handers and right-handers, provides comfortable use for those who find it more convenient to work with left or right hand.

And one more “two” — 2 types of “ski” electrodes — standard and wide.

At the moment, this device represents the latest achievements of “LET Medical” in the field of equipment implementing efficient non-invasive technologies of medication-free restoration of health and well-being.

EX735 Slider x3






The first device consisted of an engine (taken out of a children’s toy) with contact breaker. The engine broke the contacts, which were connected to the transformer with battery (like magneto in a tractor). The transformer was connected to the electrodes. Impulses, which were generated by contact break (self-induction) were close to the nerve impulses. When the electrodes were placed on the skin in the area of pain sensations you could achieve pain-relief effect. This device was the ancestor of all TENS devices (devices for pain-relief).

Research Laboratory “LET Medical”


A. A. Karasev founded Research Laboratory of Medical Electronics “LET Medical”.


“LET Medical” Research Lab Taganrog, Russia

COSMODIC technology


Technology of medication-free regeneration and recovery.