About Us

This site came to existence as a result of a JOINT VENTURE between:
  1. LET Medical Research Laboratory led by Dr. Alexander Karasev – the SCENAR inventor and the Master SCENAR Designer;
  2. Mediscen Canada – the oldest SCENAR business outside of Russia led by Dr. Irina, an independent SCENAR expert and “the voice of SCENAR”,
  3. HealthBoss – a new educational establishment promoting health awareness and SELF-CARE.

Welcome to cosmodicscenar.com

When Dr. Karasev way back in the beginning of 80th created the first SCENAR (SKENAR), it was his vision to see a SCENAR device in every household.

Today, somewhat a quarter of a century later, tens of thousands of people all over the world are using SCENAR and its next generation COSMODIC ® every day for themselves, their families, and their clients – and the awareness of this often life-saving energy healing technology grows every day.

At the same time, there is a lot of confusion, a lot of misunderstanding, and a lot of plain misinformation surrounding SCENAR (SKENAR) and COSMODIC ®. Someone new to the SCENAR world would get lost in the abundance of all sorts of data not quite knowing what to make out of it.

Dozens of SCENAR copycats have flooded the market capitalizing on a SCENAR legend and promising healing miracles for a fraction of a price of a genuine SCENAR device – and when the miracles do not happen, the disappointment of consumers turns against SCENAR.

This site will keep you up-to-date with the latest developments in the SCENAR field, which will be brought to you from Dr. Karasev himself. You will also hear from other scientists and practitioners supporting the SCENAR progress.