How SCENAR Doses


How SCENAR Listens


©  Dr. Irina Kossovskaia, Nov. 2008

After you read this article, you will feel that you are finally solving one of the SCENAR mysteries: how the second-generation SCENARs determine the DOSE.

“Why is this important?”, you may ask. Well, I can give you at least two reasons – one now and one at the end of this article (just to keep you intrigued :-)).

Reason #1: to get maximum efficiency from your SCENAR, you need to understand this one-of-a-kind technology. SCENAR has the unique ability to read the body as no other device can. Its feedback feature allows it to behave like a living system that sensitively helps the body in its healing, giving it exactly what it needs – and when it needs it. Not too much, not too little; just enough for the body to make a quantum leap toward health. And when this leap happens, the second generation SCENAR will ring you “the DOSE” signifying that the minimum necessary influence to evoke the profound change has been achieved.

But how exactly does SCENAR know when enough is enough? Wouldn’t you like to find out? Me too.

I have been researching the SCENAR phenomenon since 1996 and write a lot about it, probably more than anyone else in my field. One of my motivations is to understand it better myself, by explaining it to you. (Have you ever heard someone say, “I was explaining the subject so well that I finally understood it myself?” :-)). And yet, many mysterious areas in SCENAR remain, things that I still do not quite get. The Dose is one of them, especially where the second-generation SCENARs are concerned.

I know I’m not alone. I am repeatedly asked by new, as well as experienced, SCENAR enthusiasts what is the DOSE, what exactly the second generation SCENARs measure, and what is happening in the SCENAR-body interaction at the moment when this little DOSE bell rings.  And every time I’d give an answer, the small worm of dissatisfaction would stir inside. Like something was still not quite clicking. I would explain the phenomenon the way it was explained to me by various SCENAR gurus in my ongoing quest for SCENAR truth. Yet I wanted more. I wanted the “Aha!” moment.

Well, I think I finally have had this moment. You see, as a general rule, success in getting the answer you seek is dependent on your asking the right question. I found this especially true with Dr. Alexander Karasev, the SCENAR inventor. His mind works in unorthodox ways, and straight questions do not always yield straight answers. It turns out that I hadn’t been asking the right question!

A recent request at the One_Medicine newsgroup about the SCENAR effect on cell polarity revealed something really profound. As I was composing the answer, I decided to get Dr. Karasev’s thoughts as well. And that’s how I had my “Aha!” moment. Here are his comments…

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Dr. Irina Kossovskaia, MD, PhD, DNM

SCENAR (SKENAR) as a new field of medical science and as a unique phenomenon is constantly growing and evolving. It’s evolution is being pioneered by LET Medical Research Laboratory in Russia led by Dr. Alexander Karasev – the original inventor of SCENAR (SKENAR) and COSMODIC ®.

GO HERE to see the array of the newest SCENAR and COSMODIC ® devices.

These sophisticated and intelligent machines more and more resemble the famous Star Trek healing device… What it is going to be 5-10 years down the road? 🙂 Stay tuned…

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