That Mysterious COSMODIC…
© Dr. Irina Kossovskaia, May 2007
“The word ‘COSMODIC’ ® did not derive from ‘cosmetology’, as many people tend to think. It came from the word ‘COSMOS’.
This makes total sense to me. Strengthening the healing reactions of the body, re-training adaptation, cleaning cellular memory and reminding the body how to heal and regenerate as in its original design – all these increase the level of systemic coherence, restoring our connection to the much bigger whole, which we are all a part of. Cosmos is living and intelligent, and Coherent Energy Technologies like SCENAR and COSMODIC ® just heal our self-inflicted separation from it. As the level of human consciousness rises, COSMODIC ® and other CETs will inevitably become a primary form of assistance in healing. The COSMODIC era is coming.” Irina Kossovskaia, MD,PhD,DNM
When someone asks me about the essence of COSMODIC ®, I feel almost like that young military officer in one of my favorite movies “Men in Black”, a part of the group being tested on becoming an MiB, who on the question ‘Why we are here?’ in a parrot fashion repeated the phrase that he just heard: “We are here because we are looking for the best of the best of the best”. It was obvious that he didn’t have a clue what the real purpose of the test was – and yet he very confidently answered the question… Well, I also explain to the curious minds, what is COSMODIC ®, to the best of my knowledge. I just feel that ‘the best of my knowledge’ is frustratingly limited. The only comforting thought is that I am not alone in my frustration – the rest of the world at the moment is also clueless about COSMODIC ®.
We know that SCENAR and COSMODIC ® are not the same thing and differ in the core underlying working principle, even though they are both based on electrical stimulation (or rather ‘regulation’, taking into account the adaptive feedback mechanism).
We know that SCENAR challenges the body’s adaptive reactions whereas COSMODIC ® enhances and trains them for optimization. The difference is almost like in a ‘good cop – bad cop’ situation. SCENAR provokes the body, forcing it into healing reactions – while COSMODIC ® softly suggests cooperation and supports it all the way through. Microresonances enhance and amplify the body’s healing efforts, which ultimately results in full restoration of damaged structures (regeneration).
COSMODIC ® reminds the body how to to REGENERATE – and helps in the process.
The body tends to heal by forming scars (kind of taking the easy way out) – COSMODIC ® takes healing to a new level, making the body remember the original state and use its regenerative powers to restore tissues and organs into the the way they should be .
We also know that only LET Medical SCENARs incorporate the COSMODIC ® technology and that the professional 735 model features a combination of SCENAR and COSMODIC ® technologies while the 715 and the C-DOVE are pure COSMODIC ®.
We even know that clinical COSMODIC ® effects are much softer and more gradual compared to the SCENAR effects, without losing in efficiency. Due to this quality, COSMODIC ® does not produce healing crises’ and, therefore, is ideal for personal devices. Besides, the COSMODIC ® methodology (or practical ways of applying the device) is way simpler than the one of SCENAR. But what we don’t know is: what exactly IS COSMODIC ®? What’s in the basis of this technology and how it can and should be combined with SCENAR?
At this point we need some in-depth explanations. I will present them to you the same way they were given to me by Alexander Karasev, the original SCENAR and COSMODIC ® inventor and the head of LET Medical research laboratory…
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Dr. Irina Kossovskaia, MD, PhD, DNM
SCENAR (SKENAR) as a new field of medical science and as a unique phenomenon is constantly growing and evolving. It’s evolution is being pioneered by LET Medical Research Laboratory in Russia led by Dr. Alexander Karasev – the original inventor of SCENAR (SKENAR) and COSMODIC ®.
GO HERE to see the array of the newest SCENAR and COSMODIC ® devices.
These sophisticated and intelligent machines more and more resemble the famous Star Trek healing device… What it is going to be 5-10 years down the road? 🙂 Stay tuned…